аниме аватарки для стандофф 2 jujutsu kaisen chapitre 138 vf corporation headquarters
The fight scenes were very disappointing, with a lot of still imagery and janky movement. The production continued to degrade with time, and even simple movements became very awkward.MUSIC: 6. 5/10
Not very stand-out at all, OP and ED were your sub-par songs, and the soundtrack was quite unnoticeable.
The characters were very flat this season, with not much development whatsoever. There was a huge emphasis on romance (even between side characters), and that was quite insignificant and unnecessary.
Having come off of drawing a sports manga, he wanted to create a series about more basic concepts, such as "life and death, the human condition, etc. " Rather than portray Musashi's later life in his "enlightened state", which has been written about often, the author chose to depict the lesser known "young man reaching that point of enlightenment when he comes from a place of being so like an animal". In 2009, he stated that he made his weekly deadline thanks to only having to draw the people, with his five assistants drawing the backgrounds. [8] When drawing, Inoue avoids speed lines and instead keeps showing bodies based on his understanding how human bodies work. [9] Since not much is known about the real Musashi, Inoue wanted to give his own take which he considers more modern than other related works. He regards the artwork for Vagabond as a challenge in contrast to Slam Dunk and Real.