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Kamogawa was taken to his office by Takamura, and Shinoda then continued the session with Ippo, who tried to figure out how he did it, but to no avail. Afterwards he noticed that he can punch while holding his breath for much longer. Later while talking to Umezawa, he expressed how he sees the fight as the least complicated but most difficult, and wished to have a good match where he can use his strength. Ippo went to the Kōrakuen Hall for his weigh-in. After Shimabukuro passed, Ippo accidentally took all his clothes off for his weight check, which surprised everyone. After Shimabukuro commented on Ippo's "python", they shook hands with both aiming to win. The next day, Ippo arrived back to the hall for his match against Shimabukuro. In his changing room, instead of warming up by punching, Ippo remained calm while sitting and closing his eyes. When it was time for his match, Ippo arrived to the ring and the match began. Ippo and Shimabukuro fighting. Ippo entered into his Peek-a-Boo Style stance and quickly realised his usual tactic of pushing into his opponent's chest is sealed as Shimabukuro is shorter and has a lower stance than him.
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