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of America's operations director during the late 1980s. Magician Lord was one of the first games for the NeoGeo. The MVS was an immediate success. Arcade operators loved it because the setup time required for each game was nearly nonexistent, the floor space required was minimal, and the cost outlay for new cartridges was barely $500--less than half of what a traditional arcade unit cost at the time. Arcade-goers fell in love with the MVS as well. The first four games--NAM-1975, Baseball Stars Professional, Top Player's Golf, and Magician Lord--took familiar genres and reinvigorated them with the kind of colorful 16-bit graphics and huge character sprites that players had been wanting to see in arcade games for some time.

One day in a lecture class, she is overcome by fear and nausea at the mention of a family massacre. Meanwhile, Tenma is investigating the serial murders of middle-aged, childless couples and is searching for information on Michael Reichmann which he believes was Johan's real name. He encounters an old blind man who befriended a boy called Franz who said that Tenma saved his life. The boy had an abiding interest in war stories, particularly those involving extreme fear and said that he would meet his twin sister when she turns twenty in Heidelberg. As Nina leaves to meet the unknown person her parents prepare to tell her that she was adopted. At the arranged place she sees Johan nearby and he seems familiar, then she suddenly faints.


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Archived from the original on October 29, 2016. Retrieved August 25, 2016. ^ a b c "第2クール エンディングテーマ エミリア(CV:高橋李依) 「Stay Alive」" [Second cour ending theme: Emilia (CV: Rie Takahashi) "Stay Alive"]. Re-zero-anime. jp (in Japanese). Archived from the original on October 29, 2016. Retrieved August 25, 2016. ^ "TVアニメ「Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活」エンディングテーマ「STYX HELIX」" [TV anime "Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World-" ending theme "STYX HELIX"]. Media Factory (in Japanese). Archived from the original on February 22, 2019. Retrieved August 25, 2016. 4 CH# 1053. 3 CH# 1053. 2 CH# 1053. 1 CH# 1053 CH# 1052 CH# 1051 CH# 1050 CH# 1049 CH# 1048 CH# 1047 CH# 1046. 5 CH# 1046 CH# 1045 CH# 1044 CH# 1043 CH# 1042 CH# 1041 CH# 1040 CH# 1039 CH# 1038 CH# 1037 CH# 1036. 5 CH# 1036 CH# 1035 CH# 1034 CH# 1033 CH# 1032 CH# 1031 CH# 1030 CH# 1029 CH# 1028 CH# 1027 CH# 1026 CH# 1025 CH# 1024 CH# 1023 CH# 1022 CH# 1021 CH# 1020 CH# 1019 CH# 1018 CH# 1017 CH# 1016 CH# 1015 CH# 1014 CH# 1013 CH# 1012 CH# 1011 CH# 1010 CH# 1009 CH# 1008 CH# 1007 CH# 1006 CH# 1005 CH# 1004 CH# 1003 CH# 1002 CH# 1001 CH# 1000.
Crunchyroll. June 22, 2017. Retrieved March 31, 2021. ^ "アニメ「けものフレンズ」が突如大ブレイク 社会現象か虚像か、巡りバトル". February 16, 2017. ^ "「けもフレ」円盤入り書籍の予約がAmazonランキングで1位に KADOKAWA内は「けもフレ」がほぼ総なめ".