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to pursue a professional music career with her band, Black Stones, on her own merit; and Nana K. to join her friends and move in with her boyfriend. Despite having different personalities and ambitions, the two women find commonalities with each other and, by coincidence, move into the same apartment. However, as they follow their dreams, troubles of fame and love begin to test their friendship. As the two women continue their lives in Tokyo, Nana K. breaks up with her boyfriend after he cheats on her, while Nana O.

공개일은?" ["It's finally here" Netflix, webtoon original 'My School Now' teaser released. Release date?]. Top Star News (in Korean). Archived from the original on December 31, 2021.


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2"Fruits of Labor"
Transliteration: "Doryoku no seika" (Japanese: 努力の成果)Saburō HashimotoTatsuhiko UrahataOctober 10, 2000 (2000-10-10) Ippo's goal was to catch 10 leaves, with only a week to do so. While balancing school and work, Ippo also practiced his jabs. Finally, he figured out not only to increase the speed of his jabs, but also caught all 10 leaves in his left hand. Impressed, Takamura then assigns Ippo to work out his muscles, body and running speed for one month. Once done, Takamura takes Ippo back to the gym to test out his skills. His first test was to spar with a rookie the same age as Ippo, Ichiro Miyata. 3"Tears of Joy"
Transliteration: "Ureshi namida" (Japanese: うれし涙)Hitoshi NanbaTatsuhiko UrahataOctober 17, 2000 (2000-10-17) At first, it seems that Ippo could not keep up with Miyata, given the fact that the latter is more experienced. Ippo keeps taking hit after hit and gets knocked down twice. After receiving some advice from Takamura, Ippo keeps getting back up to fight. To everyone's surprise, Ippo keeps absorbing Miyata's punches. Suddenly, Miyata hits Ippo's chin, causing his brain to move back and forth. It’s almost as if everybody was hyping it only for the animation, while the endless analysis of its deconstructions were just bullshit for excusing their fondness of a typical satire. And by the way, that’s what it is. Just a satire, not a deconstruction. It’s not doing something we have never seen before to count as though provoking, and it doesn’t lead to a permanent, meaningful change in-series to count as a deconstruction of something. I keep hearing how it never gets old because it’s self aware, and that means .
Retrieved February 13, 2023. ^ Loo, Egan (September 28, 2019). "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime Gets Sequel Film". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on September 28, 2019. Retrieved September 28, 2019.