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Along the way, Ippo mentioned how he believed Aoki could get a title match against Iga and that Kimura should move up a weight class so he can keep winning, however, Kimura disagreed. Later, Ippo learned that his come-back match would be soon and would be the semi-final of Takamura's WBA/WBC middleweight title defence. While doing roadwork with Takamura, Ippo expressed how he believes no one can understand Takamura's perspective and thinks Takamura should stop being irritated and take things one step at a time or people would stop supporting him. Ippo asked if Takamura is lonely, to which Ippo was moved after hearing Takamura view the point he and other world champions see when they reach the top as "extraordinary". Ippo believed that he may not be able to do it, but Takamura suggested for him to not think, but go for it. 10 Months in the Making Arc Ippo, following his ten month break against Alfredo, was shown a recording of his next opponent, Antonio Guevara from the Philippines, becoming the new Filipino featherweight champion after winning against Malcolm Gedo.09. Casting : Tamayama Tetsuji dans le rôle de Jigen Daisuke Maki Yoko (actrice) dans le rôle de Adel Nagase Masatoshi dans le rôle de Kawashima Takeshi Kusabue Mitsuko d. Films 1 2 Derniers ajoutsDerniers commentairesFiltre AucunAMVAnimesArtbooksBeaux livresBonusBoutiquesBrèvesCDClipsConcertsConcerts (évènements)Culture et traditionsDoujinsDoujinshisDramasDVD / Blu-rayEvènementsFilms asiatiquesGoodiesGénériques d'animesGénériques de jeux vidéoJeux vidéoLight novelsLivesLivres jeunesseMagazinesMangasNuméros d'émissions TVOSTParolesPersonnages d'animesPersonnages de jeux vidéoPersonnages de mangasPersonnalitésPhotobooksRecettesRestaurantsRomansSites d'achatsSorties cinémaTablaturesUniversVidéosVolumes de light novelsVolumes de mangas |< << 1 2 3 4 .