zom 100 bucket list of the dead episode 1 anime read the beginning after the end
After watching the WBC middleweight champion David Eagle's match on video, Ippo got a call from Miyata, who was in a training camp with Takamura. Miyata informed Ippo what has been happening during the training camp and mentioned his suspicions about Takamura, asking Ippo if he noticed if Takamura had been acting strangely. Ippo answered how he had not noticed anything. After getting off the phone, however, Ippo remembered how Miyata said that Takamura called his punches a "mosquito bite" and that Takamura previously said that a mosquito kept him awake one night, drawing a conclusion that Takamura may have something wrong with him. Ippo meeting Sanada to ask for his advice. To make sure he is right, Ippo met with Kumi so that he could read a book from her hospital about eye problems. Ippo discovered that the "mosquito" that Takamura claimed to see might be myodesopsia, which is known to be an early symptom of idiopathic retinal detachment, which if not treated, can lead to blindness. Connecting the dots by remembering how Takamura mentioned his eye hurting after his match with Hawk, and Itagaki noting that Takamura may be rushing giving up the junior middleweight belt, Ippo became worried about Takamura's eye. He then went to Sanada to ask for his advice for eye problems, but for Takamura's sake, he did not tell Sanada who the advice was for. They go inside the Imperial College of Medicine, where Sanada details the process and dangers of the retinal detachment. After the explanation, Ippo acknowledged that he has to take full responsibility to take his right to enter the ring away from Takamura for his safety if he does have retinal detachment.Le scénario sera signé Shuji Yuki et Ryo Takada. Annoncé pour le mois de mai prochain dans. FilmsUne adaptation au cinéma pour le manga @Ellie
06/12 : C'est par le biais de l'ouverture d'un site web dédié ainsi que la diffusion d'un premier teaser vidéo sur la chaîne YouTube du distributeur japonais Shochiku que l'on apprend la nouvelle : le manga @Ellie (Koiwazurai no Ellie) de Fujimomo va prochainement avoir droit à une adaptation en film live. Annoncé dans les salles nippones pour le 15 mars 2024, celui-ci sera réalisé par Koichiro Miki et.