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3-Otakufr Otakufr. co reste toujours l’un des sites les plus populaires pour le streaming d’animes en VF et en VOSTFR. Vous allez sûrement adorer Otakufr car c’est un site gratuit d’animes en VOSTFR et sans inscription. Le design est très bien fait et il n’affiche pas trop de publicités. Le site est facile à utiliser. On apprécie le filtre par ordre alphabétique et le menu principal avec les filtres (en cours, populaires, terminé, films, VF et jeux manga). C’est toujours un grand plaisir de voir les mises à jour en premier.
The soundtrack came with a cosplay Death Note notebook. [75] Another tribute album is The Songs for Death Note the movie〜the Last name Tribute dedicated to the second
film. Published by Sony Music Entertainment
Japan on December 20, 2006, it contains 14 tracks performed by various artists, such as Orange Range, Abingdon Boys School, High and Mighty Color, Doping Panda, and Galneryus. [76] Live-action films[edit] Main articles: Death Note (2006 film), Death Note 2: The Last Name, L: Change the World, Death Note: New Generation, Death Note: Light Up the New World, and Death Note (2017 film) Death Note was adapted into a series of live-action films in 2006. The first two films were directed by Shusuke Kaneko and the third was directed by Hideo Nakata and produced by Nippon Television, CG production of all three films were done by Digital Frontier and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures Japan. The first film, simply titled Death Note, premiered in Japan on June 17, 2006, and topped the Japanese box office for two weeks, pushing The Da Vinci Code into second place. [77] The first film briefly played in certain North American theaters on May 20–21, 2008. [78] The film was broadcast in Canadian theaters for one night only on September 15, 2008. The DVD was released on September 16, 2008, one day after the Canadian showing. [79] The sequel, Death Note 2: The Last Name, premiered in Japan on November 3, 2006.
Following this, Maka uses Arachne's soul to turn Soul into a death scythe. The duo become part of the newly formed meister unit Spartoi along with their friends, who rescue Death the Kid and defeat Noah. Crona resurfaces in a city in Russia, destroying it and the death scythe stationed there, before
being provoked by Medusa into killing her and getting taken by insanity. Maka is ordered by Shinigami to hunt down Crona; while searching for Crona with her powers, she unwittingly detects Asura's location on the cartoonish moon within the atmosphere. DWMA launches an attack on the moon to defeat Asura, aided by the witches
after Death the Kid convinces them to establish a temporary alliance. During the battle, Crona absorbs Asura's body before being overtaken by him.