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You take a comforting sip and look around. You pinpoint exactly why the crowd was quieter than usual. It’s because your dad was dozing off in the middle of the game. Your mom sees where you’re looking at and gets mad. “JORDAN, how many times do I have to tell you, don’t sleep during your son’s game. ” You’re not mad, you understand.

Momoshiki manifested himself in a vision, explaining that his soul would vanish if his vessel was destroyed, so he saved Boruto by overwriting the remaining 18% of compressed data in the Kāma with Boruto's data, allowing for Boruto's resurrection, even if it prevented Momoshiki's. Boruto considered it a victory, but Momoshiki explained that even so, Boruto was now fully an Ōtsutsuki that Code could sacrifice to the Ten-Tails. Boruto asked if this was what he meant the first time he appeared in a vision, and Momoshiki revealed this was unrelated, though his first warning would soon come to pass. Omnipotence Arc[] Main article: Omnipotence Arc Boruto vows to prove Momoshiki's prophecy wrong. Back in Konoha, Boruto and Kawaki met at the Hokage Rock, with Boruto explaining Momoshiki's warning, and how Kawaki viewed Boruto's life as a threat to Naruto. As Kawaki walked away, Boruto vowed to prove Momoshiki was wrong about his prophecy. Later, Boruto related his experience to Amado, Sai, and Katasuke. Amado was concerned he was still liable to be taken over by Momoshiki's consciousness, but Boruto expressed feeling different from before, and having a better grasp on it, making the drugs he was taking before unnecessary. Under Shikamaru's instruction, Boruto didn't tell Sarada and Mitsuki that Kawaki had killed him, instead saying it was Code in a moment of poor self-control and lack of thinking ahead. Sasuke arrived, agreeing with Sarada's assessment that Boruto should always be accompanied as a precaution against another attack by Code now that he was a suitable sacrifice for the Ten-Tails. Later, Sasuke apologised to Boruto for not keeping his promise to deal with him if Momoshiki took over, which required Kawaki to step in.


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Archived from the original on December 19, 2018. Retrieved December 19, 2018. ^ Osborn, Alex (December 19, 2018). "My Hero Academia: Season 4 of Anime to premiere in October". IGN. Archived from the original on December 19, 2018. Retrieved December 19, 2018. ^ Osborn, Alex (December 19, 2018). "My Hero Academia: Season 4 of Anime to premiere in October". IGN. Archived from the original on December 19, 2018. プレーチャート [Play chart] (in Japanese). Kome Studio. Archived from the original on August 24, 2008. ^ O'Mara, Sean; Schley, Matt (January 6, 2014). "Riichiro Inagaki Interview". Otaku USA. August 25, 2019. Retrieved November 7, 2021. ^ "DORORO IS A TOUCHING TALE ABOUT A YOUNG WARRIOR AND HIS ENIGMATIC COMPANION". Syfy. March 13, 2019.
Adultery also happens when a married person seeks out sexual pleasure with an unmarried person. If the lust for sexual pleasure isn’t tamed, it could lead to rape or even bestiality. But lust doesn’t only manifest in sexual desire. It can also constitute a strong and unreasonable desire for wealth, fame, or power. Lust Counterparts: Love, unselfishness, self-control, and chastity. Scriptural References on Lust: 1 John 2:16, 1 Peter 2:11, 2 Timothy 2:22, James 1:14-15, Job 31:1, Matthew 5:28, and Philippians 4:8. 2. Gluttony Gluttony refers to the overconsumption of food or anything to the point of waste. In the Christian context, gluttony is considered as the overindulgence in food when you should spare some for the needy. There are numerous ways to commit gluttony, including;
Eating too much,
• Eating too soon,
• Eating too daintily,
• Eating too expensively, and
• Eating too eagerly. Gluttony Counterparts: Self-control, contentment, discernment, patience, and temperance.