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^ Ressler, Karen (April 10, 2017). "Seven Seas Licenses Yoshikazu Takeuchi's Original Perfect Blue Novels". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on September 8, 2019. Retrieved April 12, 2017. Book references Clements, Jonathan; McCarthy, Helen (2012).Today some people actually feel anxiety when they don't have their personal devices. One of the first famous uses of computers in the US was back in 1890 when the Automatic Electrical Tabulating Machine calculated data for over 60 million Americans. In the 1940s, the Bombes and Colossus computers decrypted German codes during World War II. The 1950s welcomed the first commercial computers, like the Zuse 3 and UNIVAC, for arithmetic operations. But you would need millions of dollars to actually buy one. From an educational standpoint, most of all the programming language books about the earlier programming languages, like FORTRAN or BASIC, started off by proving a point: Computers are, in fact, useful. This is according to Algorithmist and Researcher John Mount. Mount says the explosive popularity of “Hello, World” released computer scientists from the burden of justifying why computers are good to the rest of society. For instance, in the 1964 book My Computer Likes Me When I Speak Basic, the introduction talks about the purpose of programming languages in general. Plus, the first example outputs: “MY HUMAN UNDERSTANDS ME. ” Using this example aims to reinforce the unpopular idea that humans can, in fact, talk to computers.