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After his self-reflection, he noticed how deep boxing is. Later while doing business at the fishing boat, he revealed his usual fully grown head of hair to his customers, telling them that he's back. Sendō in Mexico Arc Ippo telling Mari the reason Sendō possibly went to Mexico for. Ippo trained with Taihei and Kintarō by having them do exercise suited for a six rounder even though they haven't debuted yet and a training method he researched called the "Numbering System".
With the Kamogawa gym members interested in trying the Numbering System out, Ippo shouted numbers out for them until they got angry due to Ippo only calling out a left jab. Overhearing how Takamura went overseas after defeating Goat, Ippo was reminded how Sendō declared his intention of going overseas to Mexico, wondering what came of that. Later, Ippo found out Sendō went to Mexico without telling his gym from Mari. Since Mari and Sendō's gym does not know the reason he left, Ippo told Mari how he possibly went to Mexico to meet Alfredo. Later, Ippo was shown a news article about Sendō and Hoshi meeting the Scamaras Brothers. Importance of the Support Role Arc Ippo walking Aikawa home. After
receiving an invitation to a class reunion from Umezawa, Ippo went to the reunion at the Kemuri Izakaya to see his former classmates from seven years ago.
Archived from the
original on June 1, 2019. Retrieved June 2, 2019. ^ Heath,
David (August 25, 2022). "8 Anime Characters That Were Victims Of Truck-Kun". Game Rant. Retrieved November 2, 2022. ^ 『すずめの戸締まり』マガジンで20ページの大特集 作家のコラボイラスト&グラビア掲載. Oricon (in Japanese). November 9, 2022. Archived from the original on November 10, 2022. Retrieved November 9, 2022.