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How To Download Content From the Anime Sama Platform? Unfortunately, there is no direct way to download the episodes on your local device from the Anime Sama platform. You can use some premium tools to save the content from the platform. Which VPN should I use for Anime Sama? Express VPN and Surfshark are two popular choices among anime fans around the world to access the Anime Sama platform. Are there any other sites like Anime Sama? There are several similar sites to the Anime Sama platform, like AnimeFLV, 9anime, Animixplay, etc. In the above article, you will get a complete list of trusted alternatives to Anime Sama. Anshul Shokeen Website Facebook X (Twitter) Instagram BlogLovin LinkedIn Crafting content that serves as cyber-shield for internet users since 2017.I remember that Season 1 at least had some fight scenes and villains, but in this season, there was barely anything going to advance the plot, a lot of meandering, random romance elements, and not enough mention of Heaven or Ente Isla to keep things intriguing. This was not the show I remember, I don’t remember it being this boring.
ART: 3/10
The character designs don’t really feel like designs you’d see in a fantasy anime, but more like designs you’d see in CGDCT or slice of life show. They also looked very flat and round at the same time, which was weird. The fight scenes were very disappointing, with a lot of still imagery and janky movement. The production continued to degrade with time, and even simple movements became very awkward.