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Retrieved February 13, 2008. ^ "Japan's Favorite TV Anime". Anime News Network. October 13, 2006. Archived from the original on June 15, 2018. Retrieved February 13, 2008.

As Itagaki was thankful to Ippo for sparring against him, Itagaki invited Ippo to his home for a celebration dinner. Upon arrival at Itagaki's home, Ippo met Itagaki's sister, Nanako, who is a big fan of him, and Itagaki's mother. He then had dinner when Itagaki's father arrived. Throughout the course of the dinner, Ippo was caught off guard by the Itagaki family's plethora of bad puns and could not find time to eat, having to eat dinner at his house. Later, Ippo was surrounded by reporters at the Kamogawa gym and getting asked about his future. Ippo answered the reporters by saying that he would just take things one match at a time and just focus on his next opponent when asked who he would like to fight the most. Kamogawa and Yagi announced everyone's matches for early spring, with Ippo's fourth JBC featherweight title defence being first. That night, Ippo walked home while wondering what his goal is. He then came across Miyata, who grabbed Ippo by his collar and demanded an answer as to why he had been ignoring his match requests to the Kamogawa gym after he became the OPBF champion. With Ippo confused, Miyata walked away, expressing that he thought it was a promise. Kamogawa smacking Ippo.


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2021 One-Punch Man 110 : Scan Chapitre 110 23 Sep. 2021 One-Punch Man 109 : Scan Chapitre 109 23 Sep. 2021 One-Punch Man 108 : Scan Chapitre 108 23 Sep. 2021 One-Punch Man 107 : Scan Chapitre 107 23 Sep. 2021 One-Punch Man 106 : Scan Chapitre 106 23 Sep. 2021 One-Punch Man 105 : Scan Chapitre 105 23 Sep. 2021 One-Punch Man 104 : Scan Chapitre 104 23 Sep. 2021 One-Punch Man 103 : Scan Chapitre 103 23 Sep. 2021 One-Punch Man 102 : Scan Chapitre 102 23 Sep. 2021 One-Punch Man 101 : Scan Chapitre 101 23 Sep. 2021 One-Punch Man 100 : Scan Chapitre 100 23 Sep. Ippo and Kumi about to kiss as fireworks bloom. As his gym mates talk about Mashiba's upcoming opponent, WBA lightweight world champion, Marcus Rosario, Ippo revealed Rosario's boxing record, style, and age to his gym mates. Aoki and Kimura asked Ippo about Rosario's three no contests and two losses, which Ippo explained that his opponents got too bloodied to continue after headbutting occurred. Ippo added that Rosario is a southpaw in-fighter, which makes it easy for headbutting to happen, and when he watched the tapes, he couldn't tell if it was on accident or not. He didn't want to think Rosario did it on purpose but he noted that Fujii called him the "the bad boy of Puerto Rico. " Later, Ippo was invited to Kumi's house to cook dinner together. Ippo arrived at her house with a container of fish as fireworks start nearby. As Ippo found out that Mashiba isn't home, and the two hear the fireworks, Ippo got nervous, while Kumi turned off the lights for them to watch the fireworks. When they looked at each other, they move closer and were about to kiss until Ippo stopped as he saw Mashiba outside. The two attempt to kiss multiple times until Kumi decided to turn the lights on, as Ippo kept seeing people outside. Ippo and Kumi become horrified when they notice that Mashiba has been in the living room with them for some time.
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