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11 2014/11/23 edition [magazine]]. Rakuten (in Japanese). Archived from the original on December 8, 2019. Retrieved May 23, 2016. ^ Fugetsu, Makoto (December 23, 2016). "本日発売のビッグガンガンに「Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活 第二章」最終話「未来の話」掲載されております。これにて二章完!お待たせしました、この続きはマツセ先生の三章で!大好きなリゼロに漫画という形で関わらせて頂けて幸せでした。ありがとうございます!".Gnomes in Pathfinder artwork often abandon the traditional Western style used on other races for a more animesque style, with overly large eyes, small noses and small mouths. Their lore states that this is actually how they can look in-universe. where people often find it more disconcerting than cute. Toys LEGO: LEGO Exo-Force was LEGO's take on anime and the Humongous Mecha, replete with very exaggerated Shonen Hair, random kanji slapped everywhere, typical Japanese names, and a heavy dose of anime and mecha-genre tropes. In the same vein, Ninjago focuses on Ninjas with a bit of mecha thrown in here and there, most notably the Samurai X mech and various Serpentine vehicles. It's a little more subtle about it in that it limits itself to Shonen Hair and kanji is few and far in between. The names also reflect a much larger variety, with only Kai, Nya and Misako being anywhere close to Japanese. It still uses a lot of anime cliches, such as magical weapons, power-up transformations, color-coded chosen warriors and the aforementioned Shonen Hair. It also mixes several other Asian themes into it as well, most notably Sensei-Wu, who appears more Chinese than Japanese.