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Lucky Luke, the sharpshooting cowboy who draws faster than his own shadow, keeps desperadoes like The Daltons, Billy the Kid and Jesse James in check. Traditional The Legend of Calamity Jane N/A 1997–1998 Contre Allée Traditional See also[edit] List of French television series Culture of France References[edit] ^ GG #1 - Assassouille Screed, retrieved 2021-07-10 ^ "Agrippine". imdb. ^ "Technicolor Animation Productions |". www. technicoloranimationproductions. com. Retrieved 2021-06-05. ^ "Titeuf". Planète Jeunesse. ^ TV.In the third round, not wanting to let Ippo recover, Sanada rushed towards him and used the Hien. Ippo blocked the Hien and got his guard hit by the first uppercut of the Tsubame Gaeshi. Ippo then successfully blocked the second sideways uppercut with the Cross-Arm Block, remembering that Kobashi used the Cross-Arm Block against him. With the block, Ippo advanced toward Sanada, guarding his lefts. After Ippo got into close range after getting hit by Sanada's left and right hooks in the process. Ippo hit Sanada with a liver blow and the two begin an in-fight due to Sanada being unable to escape. Ippo won the in-fight as Sanada went down. After Sanada got up, Ippo was clinched when he got close. When the clinch broke, Ippo began losing balance as Sanada punched his head during the clinch that shook his superior canal in his inner ear. When Ippo's balance came back, Ippo pushed forward against Sanada's Hien as they began to weaken. Ippo got to Sanada's chest right before the gong sounded, ending the third round.