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[4] The manga
started in the same magazine on January 20, 2020. [5][4] Shueisha has compiled its chapters into individual tankōbon
volumes. The first volume was published on April 3, 2020. [6] As of February 2, 2024, twenty volumes have been published. [7] The manga is digitally serialized by Viz Media on its Shonen Jump website. [8] In October 2020, Viz Media announced the print and digital publication of the manga, and the first volume was published on May 4, 2021.
Throughout the 16 episodes, I definitely learned a lot from his hardwork and values. Park Seo Joon did a phenomenal job with his character and left me in absolute awe. Whether it may be understanding the beauty of life or being reminded the importance of hardwork; I was thankful to be able to get to know and learn from Park Saeroyi.
However, apart from Park Saeroyi, I did have a few complaints for the other
characters. Some characters were especially annoying, and lacked development. I did like that the drama showcased imperfect characters, but it also sometimes excused the ignorant
behaviour of these characters - almost making it seem that such behaviour was appropriate to viewers. Some characters were especially inconsistent, and just seemed random. This switch was really annoying to see because it didn't make sense. I think these characters had a lot of potential to really compliment the story, but the writer just changed them randomly in order to make Park Saeroyi look good. I wish the side characters had contributed a little more to the overall plot but unfortunately we were unable to see that as viewers.
The show also became a little slow in the middle, but then quickly picked up its pace later.