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Through the following days, Boruto deduced the truth about past-Sasuke's absence was due to abandoning the village. He confronted his master about the event, who shamefully admitted that at the time, he was so fixated on getting his revenge. The following day, Urashiki arrived and found Naruto, where Boruto and Sasuke stood prepared to fight and protect Naruto. Capturing Naruto, Urashiki encased Boruto, Sasuke and Jiraiya in rubble before fleeing. Sasuke explained to Jiraiya that he and Boruto were actually ninja from a distant village with a mission to stop Urashiki from stealing Kurama's chakra. Jiraiya decided to work with the duo, breaking them free by summoning a giant toad.The WipEout series is Britain-developed, yet incorporates Japanese◊-influenced graphic art◊, courtesy of the Designer's Republic. The third game even has a mascot that is clearly based on cute mascot characters. Some entries even feature the usage of Katakana. Yandere Simulator plays with many anime tropes such that it's easy to mistake it for a Japanese game. The game's roots instead stem from a FourChan concept given life when interest was indicated for it. Carrie's Order Up! uses big eyes and a bright, colorful style that does an amazing job of recreating the look and feel of '90s Japanese arcade games. In TitanFall2 Is more apparent than the first game. The setting, the more outlandish Titan designs and abilities, the use of the Pulse Kunai, shurikens in the grenade slot, subtly more bizarre weapons such as the Alternator, Jack being a rookie who fell into the cockpit, and the over-the-top action certainly give off the vibe of a mecha anime at times. Undertale: Invoked; in the True Final Boss fight, the psychedelic background, the music, and the name of his attacks and the calling of them just screams cliched JRPG, but it's because he thinks anime is rad. RWBY: Grimm Eclipse, an adaptation of RWBY, looks a lot like a Japanese hack and slash game. So much so, apparently, that Sony put it into their "Straight From Japan" special category of the PlayStation Store.