bebop cowboy anime boys that look
88, Ranked #702 | Aired Fall 2000 | Produced by Sunrise The epic adventure series follows the impulsive Inuyasha, a half-dog demon, and Kagome, a girl who travels back to the past and by a twist of fate meets him. They journey alongside each other, but only in order to prevent the bad demons from destroying the world. However, gradually, they begin to realize that their hearts long for them to become more than just travel companions. Junjou Romantica MAL Rated 8. 13, Ranked #378 | Aired Spring 2007 | Produced by Studio Deen The popular shounen ai anime Junjou Romantica follows three cute couples, but the most outstanding one is
Misaki x Usagi. The love between the university
student and his tutor blossoms almost at first sight. Hachimitsu to Clover (Honey and Clover) MAL Rated 8. 20, Ranked #298 | Aired Spring 2005 | Produced by J. C. Staff and Nomad The cute Hanamoto Hagumi disrupts the lives of three poor college students when she suddenly appears in their lives. Her charm and cuteness blow them away and the battle for her affection begins.
Retrieved March 20, 2018. ^ Kemner, Louis (March 4, 2022). "Is Sword Art Online
Really an
Isekai Anime?". CBR. Retrieved December 6, 2023. ^ @kunori (April 14, 2019).
When Emperor head to Akina their No. 2 racer, Seiji Iwaki, is defeated by Takumi, breaking their winning streak. Their leader, a professionally-trained driver named Kyoichi Sudo, challenged Takumi to a race at Akagi to “teach him some things” and as a sort of cover event for his race with Ryosuke, his primary target. Takumi declined his proposal at first but eventually accepted after being infuriated with seeing Natsuki with a Mercedes Driver which left him at a disadvantage from the get-go. This race saw Takumi's Eight-Six blow its engine. While it may have been a defeat for Takumi, Kyoichi did not consider it a race instead considering it more as a seminar to show Takumi how much he needs a better car as he
believes the Eight-Six is far too old to match Takumi's
skill level. Kyoichi, believing in his street racing philosophy that professional circuit techniques were adequate to conquer the mountains passes, races Ryosuke who had the opposing philosophy that somehow, the fastest street racing required more than just what the circuit could teach. Ryosuke proceeds to defeat Kyoichi after noticing and exploiting Kyoichi's inability to tackle some right-hand corners with full confidence. When Kyoichi confronted Ryosuke about the loss, Ryosuke explains that their techniques and abilities are actually quite close but that Kyoichi's weakness were right-hand corners which, on Japan's right-handed roads, had the possibility of encountering head-on collisions. He goes on to cite how Kyoichi was unable to conquer this fear due to the fact that circuits don't have the danger of head-on collisions and that his home-course, Irohazaka, was a one-way road. This proved once and for all to Kyoichi that street-racing had its own special requirements just as Ryosuke had believed.