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^ "Viz Media — Comic-Con International 2007". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on April 19, 2019. Retrieved May 30, 2010. ^ "ACCLAIMED ANIME SERIES "NANA" COMING TO SENTAI". Sentai Filmworks.

Publié en 1998 dans les pages de la revue Uppers des éditions Kodansha, ce seinen sera porté à l'écran par Nobuhiro Yamashita (Linda Linda Linda). Le scénario sera signé Shuji Yuki et Ryo Takada. Annoncé pour le mois de mai prochain dans. FilmsUne adaptation au cinéma pour le manga @Ellie
06/12 : C'est par le biais de l'ouverture d'un site web dédié ainsi que la diffusion d'un premier teaser vidéo sur la chaîne YouTube du distributeur japonais Shochiku que l'on apprend la nouvelle : le manga @Ellie (Koiwazurai no Ellie) de Fujimomo va prochainement avoir droit à une adaptation en film live.


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Later that night, Kiyoka comforts Miyo over her loneliness and reassures he will be there for her. The next day, Miyo is visited by Arata, who comes to see Kiyoka, and is given an offer to leave Kiyoka. After Kiyoka is put in charge on protecting the capital from the Grotesqueries, he is confronted by Arata over his supposed treatment towards Miyo. Kiyoka becomes shocked when he is told about her sudden collapse the other day. Afterwards, Kiyoka receives information from Iwashimizu about a woman named "Sumi Tsuruki", discovering that she had the same surname as Arata's. He hurries back to find Miyo in the kitchen where she passes out in his arms. Kiyoka takes her with him while on his way to confront Arata. 10"Summer Cherry Blossoms, and the Mistake"
Transliteration: "Natsu no Sakura, Soshite Ayamachi" (Japanese: 夏の桜、そして過ち)Yuki KanazawaTakahito ŌnishiTakahiro Kawanami, Takehiro Kubota,
Yuka KurodaSeptember 6, 2023 (2023-09-06) Kiyoka and Miyo arrive at the Usuba mansion. There, Arata fully introduces himself as Arata Usuba, Miyo's cousin. He explains that the cause of Miyo's nightmares is actually her spiritual gift. Kiyoka and Miyo are then introduced to the head of the Usubas, Yoshirou Usuba. Bien sûr, toutes ces techniques ne peuvent se réaliser que lorsque le soleil est en disposition d'apparaître. En effet, tout comme chaque élément tire sa force d'une source environnante, le feu tire sa puissance des rayons solaires. C'est pourquoi lors d'une éclipse solaire, par exemple, tous les maîtres du feu sont dans l'incapacité d'utiliser leurs dons. Il semblerait que le passage des comètes, ou encore les terres volcaniques, renforcent les capacités des maîtres du feu. L'air (气) est associé avec « » (Chinois : 和; Pinyin : hé), qui veut dire « paisible » ou « harmonieux ». L'aérokinésie est la maîtrise de l'air et des molécules en suspension.
They're not likable because they haven't really done anything, their interaction with Momonga is pretty bland, and the series makes it clear that they're not important to begin with. And surprise, it turns out they were completely irrelevant. Amazing character development for characters that never mattered with pointless, drawn-out character interaction that did nothing for everyone in the cast.
If all that wasn't enough, the series doesn't even tie itself up properly- The last part of the show involves one of Momonga's minions, who is just as powerful as he is, suddenly being brainwashed through the power of plot convenience because the author thought an actually threatening conflict was needed around this time in the series. Despite taking all the safety precautions with all his power previously, Momonga decides that he needs to make a point about how he's the leader, even though there was absolutely no need for him to do so when all the floor guardians already adore him unquestionably. Basically, Momonga is not very intelligent- Everything goes as he plans because of his raw power and having so many tools to work with- Not because he's actually skilled at strategizing.