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Naruto instructed Sasuke to focus on protecting Boruto and Sarada while he engaged Momoshiki, during which Boruto calls out to him before losing consciousness from Momoshiki's large scale attack. Waking up in hospital, he learned that Naruto was captured, and runs to the Hokage's Office, where he puts on his father's old jacket and feels guilty for his attitude towards him. He is then approached by Sasuke, who invited Boruto to rescue his father. Accompanied with the Four Kage, the group departed through Sasuke's portal. Boruto being branded by Momoshiki. Upon arriving on Momoshiki's Planet, the Kage free Naruto and engage Kinshiki and Momoshiki. On seeing Boruto, Naruto tries to apologise for not being around more, but Boruto replies that it's okay, although he asks that Naruto start telling him
about when he was younger instead of lecturing him. Naruto joins the battle and Momoshiki, despite absorbing Kinshiki to try and gain the upper-hand, is defeated. However, Katasuke arrives to lend assistance and attacks Momoshiki with the Kote, only to inadvertently rejuvenate him and
allow him to capture the Kage. With encouragement from Sasuke, Boruto attacks Momoshiki with his small
Rasengan, which forces him to release the Kage. Naruto is impressed that Boruto was able to learn the Rasengan and, still unable to move, adds his own chakra to Boruto's Rasengan, making it gigantic.
2021 Chapter 46 09. 09. 2021 Chapter 45 09. 09. 2021 Chapter 44 09. 09.
Arrivée chez ses nouveaux maîtres, elle se lie d'amitié avec la princesse Liande, aussi belle que revêche. Mais alors que les deux jeunes femmes se rapprochent inexorablement, une phrase de Lia. Mangas 1 2 Une première vidéo promotionnelle la quatrième saison de Demon Slayer
15:47 : Une première vidéo promotionnelle pour l'anime Kimetsu no Yaiba:
Hashira Geiko-hen (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Entraînement des Piliers) vient d'être dévoilée. Dans ce trailer, on peut y entendre "Mugen", l'opening interprété par MY FIRST STORY et HYDE. De plus, nous apprenons la série animée débutera sa diffusion le 12 mai 2024 au Japon. Staff : Studio d'animation : ufotable Réalisateur. AnimesLa seconde saison de l'anime La Sorcière invincible tueuse de Slime depuis 300 ans annoncée pour 2025 !
15:44 : Annoncée en
janvier 2022, la seconde saison de l'anime Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita (La Sorcière invincible tueuse de Slime depuis 300 ans) devrait débuter dans le courant de l'année 2025 au Japon, d'après une annonce parue ce jour.