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The next day Baki leaves town heading for a remote location to train so that he may become stronger. After losing his fight with Yuri Chakovsky, Baki wanted to get stronger. So he decided to go to the mountain where he used to train with his father. So the night before he leaves he returns home to find the police chief there waiting. Then his mother arrives soon after to tell him she is proud of him and will help him any way she can. That night he packs his supplies he over packed but he knew that was a good thing because it will help him get stronger.


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Karasawa tried to switch positions by throwing a left hook, however, Ippo landed a left over Karasawa's hook, knocking him down. The referee immediately ended the match, resulting in Ippo's sixth title defence win. When Ippo left the Kōrakuen Hall, Takamura asked Ippo why he sealed the Dempsey Roll. Ippo explained how he saw that the Dempsey Roll was shortening his career, and he wanted to perfect the basics of all punches. Phantom Card Arc Ippo encouraging Itagaki about his match against Imai. Ippo watched Volg's match against the IBF fourth ranker, Eric Thompson on TV, amazed of Volg's abilities as he won. Ippo learned from Itagaki that his ranking in the WBC was twelve, however, Ippo explained that a world title match was beyond him. With Itagaki worried about his upcoming match against Imai and how everyone thinks Imai will win, Ippo helped raise his spirits by telling him what he was taught from Kamogawa to believe in himself. When Kumi arrived to congratulate Ippo on his recent victory, Itagaki revealed to them of Imai's request to introduce Nanako to him if he wins, which Ippo realised he would never be able to challenge Mashiba for Kumi. Ippo visiting Umezawa after his manga got a reward. Ippo and Itagaki went to Umezawa's home to congratulate him after discovering that his fishing manga has won a reward.