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Kikyou Kushida played by veteran seiyuu Yurika Kubo of High School Fleet and Urara Meirochou fame is one of the main characters of the series and is a classmate of Suzune and Kiyotaka. A 16-year-old girl and a high school freshman Kikyou is a kind, positive and well-mannered girl that’s kind to everyone that she meets and is widely regarded by many to be the class idol within the class. A considerate and understanding person Kikyou has a very direct personality and seems to be someone that values friendship and bonds quite highly as she cares a great deal about each one of her friends deeply. However, while she appears to be a simple-minded girl that’s not well versed in manipulation beneath his mask of hers is a different personality that Kikyou hides from the others. Underneath the angle like personality that she presents to outsiders Kikyou surprisingly has another personality that is radically different to her surface one.
In this Kikyou’s personality though still direct is very rude and is not afraid of voicing her true feelings about other people directly. She’s also shown to be quite manipulative and quite capable of using blackmail and lies to force people to obey her. Despite this radical change in personality it’s interesting to note that this side of her isn’t exactly evil by nature but rather seems to be a protective measure that was created to protect her from harm. Perhaps more so than in her default personality Kikyou seems to be in great fear of being isolated and being lonely. The character of Kikyou Kushida I felt was an interesting character that while supportive of the main characters and to the class emphasized one of the main themes of this anime quite well. The theme being that everyone wears a mask in society.
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