one piece avatar le dernier maitre de l'air film 2024
Ippo claimed that dodging Sendō's punches must have took incredible effort and care, and that when Miyata is focused on defence, it is really hard to catch him. Miyata stated that that is what makes it so simple, and that all he has to do is stay in low gear and cruise to an easy decision win. Ippo believed that it would not be like that, as Miyata has too much heart to be happy with a decision, so he will want to fight back and outfight him. Miyata asked Ippo if he really thinks an opponent who knows he can win by decision will purposely step in to an exchange of blows. Ippo believed he would, as his bravery as a boxer is something he trusts in Ippo and Kumi talking about Mashiba's upcoming match against Rosario. Miyata started walking away, as he claimed all he came for was to tell Ippo that he doesn't see Sendō winning. Ippo ran to Miyata to ask him if he is going back to Osaka to keep training with Sendō, to which Miyata answers that he is. Ippo was excited, as it meant Sendō's chances will go up. Ippo started telling Miyata more similarities between him and Ricardo. Miyata told Ippo that he will fight him like a virtual Ricardo and asked if there is anything else on his mind. Ippo believed that Miyata and Sendō must be great friends since they are training together for a long time and must be talking about cats since they are cat people, irritating Miyata.0M Dix ans auparavant, des portails ont commencé à apparaître un peu partout dans le monde. Ces portails ont la particularité de connecter le monde à d’autres dimensions, donjons ou mondes parallèles. En même temps, certaines personnes ont développé des capacités afin de pouvoir chasser ces portails. On appelle ceux qui reçoivent un Éveil, des Chasseurs. Sung Jin Woo est considéré comme le plus faible des Chasseurs de rang E. Autrement dit le plus faible parmi les faibles. Il est tellement faible qu’il est surnommé par ses confrères, le « Faible ». Avec une équipe de Chasseurs, il se rend dans un donjon de rang D.