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October 1, 2011. Archived from the original on June 3, 2012. Retrieved June 19, 2012. ^ "Madoka Magica & . hack's Kajiura Scores Sword Art Online". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on June 12, 2019. Retrieved November 19, 2018. ^ Peters, Megan (February 13, 2019). "'My Hero Academia' Releases 'All Might Rising' OVA". ComicBook.

^ Jamie S, Rich (February 13, 2010). "20th Century Boys 2: The Last Hope". DVD Talk. Archived from the original on May 5, 2022. Retrieved February 15, 2022. ^ Burl, Burlingame (October 16, 2009). "'20th Century Boys 3: Redemption'". Honolulu Star-Bulletin. Archived from the original on October 24, 2014. Retrieved February 15, 2022. ^ Russell, Edwards (December 12, 2009).


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Many organizations in Japan award such titles upon a sincere study and dedication of Japanese martial arts. The below mentioned titles are awarded after observing a person's martial arts skills, their ability of teaching and understanding of martial arts and the most importantly as a role model and the perfection of one's character. [13] Renshi (錬士【れんし】): Polished Instructor (skilled person or expert teacher) Awarded to 4th dan and above. Kyōshi (教士【きょうし】) refers to an advanced teacher (senior teacher/expert). Awarded to 6th dan and above. Hanshi (範士【はんし】) refers to a senior expert considered a "teacher of teachers". This title is used by many different arts for the top few instructors of that style, and is sometimes translated "Grand Master". Awarded to 8th dan and above. Meijin (名人): awarded by a special board of examiners. Other martial arts titles[edit] Oyakata (親方【おやかた】), master, especially a sumo coach. The literal sense is of someone in loco parentis. Afterwards Boruto saw a vision of Momoshiki and asked Kawaki if he saw anything, which he didn't. Boruto warms up to Kawaki. Meanwhile, Naruto was informed by Ino that someone had infiltrated the village. Naruto told Boruto to take Himawari and run but before this could happen, Delta arrived before them. As Delta and Naruto exchanged words, Boruto took Kawaki's fearful attitude as proof of Delta's abilities. Naruto instructed him to watch over Himawari before fighting Delta. Fearing for his father's safety, Boruto recklessly launched his Vanishing Rasengan at her, who quickly absorbed the attack to reenergise herself. Going for a new tactic, Delta then launched her beam at Himawari, knowing that she would inevitably hit someone, whether it be her target or the Hokage acting as a human shield for his daughter. To everyone's surprise however, it was Kawaki who blocked the blast, at the cost of his right arm which shocked Boruto. After Naruto defeated Delta, Kawaki began opening up more with Boruto, who introduced him to his friends. From this, Boruto and his friends began teaching him Extreme: Shinobi Picture Scrolls, where Kawaki gave Boruto an extremely rare Fourth Hokage card in exchange for a Seventh Hokage card.

Art: 7
Now the art was pretty solid overall relative to when this show was released. Now I do think it possibly has some of the weakest animation in a Watanabe directed show but thats's mainly because Watanabe's other creations are just so interesting and defined in their art-styles. The animation during action scenes is very fluid and the dark gritty style works heavily in Champloo's favour.
Sound: 7
Now the soundtrack is probably one of the best parts of this show as it was done by the popular lofi-hiphop-esque producer Nujabes. The smooth jazz-rap builds on the action packed parts of this show and create a really chill vibe for watching. The opening and ending are also great and very memorable parts of the show.
Character: 4
The characters were also extremely disappointing and one faced in their personalities.
Mugen was the typical excited, rowdy main character who is always ready for some action and kind of felt like a ripoff of Spike but minus the depth and development. Jin was the silent, Sasuke type and Fuu was basically an irritating tsundere type. The side characters were sometimes interesting but lacked development due to most stories only lasting one episode in the series.
Enjoyment: 4
Some may think I'm biased in some way from my review of this show but honestly I love anime and samurais as much as the next man but this whole show just wasn't interesting at all to me and everytime I watched an episode it felt forced and long.