school rumble oav
") is a one-shot manga written by Juichiro Hitsujiyama and illustrated by Yuta Matsutani, with storyboard composition by Ao Suzumura. It is a modern reboot of the original Cool Shock B. T. series by Hirohiko Araki. The one-shot was first announced on February 1, 2024 in the March 2024 issue of Saikyo Jump, and was published in the April 2024 issue of Saikyo Jump on March 4, 2024. Other JoJo Sites Supporters Wiki Supporters Monthly Supporters (> $5. 00)Past Supporters (> $5. 00) Hamon Beat (Patreon) Kiyoharu (PayPal) Fr0stiFusionZ (Patreon) Dujan (Patreon) Tyketro (Patreon) MistaHolmes (Patreon) Sandro (Patreon) Scuttle (Patreon) Cloudi (Patreon) oORAM415Oo (Patreon) UtgardCastle (Patreon) San7890 (Patreon) reiayanameme (Patreon) Delca (Patreon) Azmeer (Patreon) Ladoonuts (Patreon) Lou (Patreon) KojoB (Patreon) CairdyBoy (Patreon) Call Me Kay (Patreon) Esby (Patreon) DirtDisrespector (Patreon) Dismantledfunk (Patreon) Spingus (Patreon) Quinn Smith (Patreon) Lasernatoo (Patreon) Jorui (Patreon) Dwindie (Patreon) Agoat (PayPal & Patreon) J4c0b333 (PayPal & Patreon) Green Giorno (PayPal) Stavro (Patreon) Kassia (PayPal) Friend (Patreon) 0ver flow (Patreon) Aiden the Toymaniac (Patreon) Minedor (PayPal) Cynthia (Ko-Fi) Jammal Caesar (Patreon) dogpark (Patreon) ChewwyTwee (Patreon) Robert Piangozza (PayPal) penguino (Patreon) Anna Worthington (PayPal) JobberGodot (Patreon) AxelStone009 (PayPal) StarySport (Patreon) Jean-Paul Lebreton (PayPal) Lucashire (PayPal) Nav Naz (Patreon) Otto Anisong (Patreon) Smug Corvo (Patreon) Ruuji (Patreon) J. Joe (PayPal) Theamz (Patreon) mediyogurt (Patreon) Morgan (PayPal) GaryStu (Ko-fi) Jorge Canesco (PayPal) Downward_Spiral (Patreon)
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Crusaders Diamond is Unbreakable Vento Aureo Stone Ocean Steel Ball Run JoJolion The JOJOLands Spin-Offs ▸ ▸ Araki's Spin-Offs ▸ ▸ Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Deadman's Questions Oingo Boingo Brothers Adventure Jolyne, Fly High with GUCCI Other Spin-Offs ▸ ▸ Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak Cool Shock Old B. T.
Baki fighting Gaia. Baki starts a fight with him. From the very beginning, he can't hit Gaia, who considers himself to be the god of the battlefield and shows him his ability to control the level of adrenaline. After a while, Baki starts to using his own endorphins, but it still not enough against Gaia, who begins to speak out his theories. He says that Baki's body is his own enemy because he tortured it with training for years and did not show him the shred of love. Baki eventually shows him that it's not true, and he finally starts hitting him with his attacks.
He drew a prototype of Ippo, which had a handsome normal face with thick eyebrows. Nouchi, who was the editor-in-charge at the time had a policy that was consistent with the
idea that he wanted to draw a story about how rough looking guys would do their best. At the time, "Meimon! The Third Baseball Club” (名門!第三野球部) was a work on the magazine, and Nouchi suggested for Morikawa to draw his characters with a similar muddy look. Morikawa disliked the thought of a "bad protagonist", viewing it as unbalanced to an artist. Morikawa wanted some special features on the protagonist's face, and Nouchi suggested to give him big ears like Suguru Egawa (江川卓). Morikawa's decision of giving Ippo thick eyebrows was his own, and at this point this Ippo was
close to the current Ippo.