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Retrieved 2011-05-10. ↑ "3位は『NARUTO』、平成元年以降連載「漫画発行部数」TOP10". Live Door. December 28, 2018. Retrieved 2019-04-01. ↑ "Jason Thompson's House of 1000 Manga - Hunter x Hunter".

"[222] Campbell wrote: "You just can't know what 'attention to detail' means until you read Berserk—it's rare when it comes to what it has to offer to all the readers out there, so really it's no wonder that it stands out as much as it does. "[231] Campbell also commented: "The closest thing visually that Berserk could be compared to might be Claymore, another very good manga—but really Berserk is on a plain of its own. "[225] Writing for Advanced Media Network, Serdar Yegulalp said that the artwork of the first volumes are "a little rougher and less polished than the later ones," but that after the eighth volume "there is scarcely a page that doesn't look spectacular," adding that "Miura's loving attention to detail on most any page or panel is stupefying. "[232] Writing for ANN, Casey Brienza stated: "Miura's artwork is exquisite and, remarkably, drawn without the help of an army of assistants. And while he has been great right from the first page of volume one, he has improved over the many years of working on Berserk. "[233] In another review for Graphic Novel Reporter, Brieza wrote: "Unlike virtually all other commercially successful manga artists, Miura produces his artwork without assistants,[f] and the exquisite detail of this erotic-grotesque, Dungeons & Dragons-esque high fantasy issues from his hand and his hand alone," adding that it is "one that appeals to men and women alike. "[236] Carlo Santos, reviewer from ANN, wrote: "Miura's complete command of light and shadow gives every moment an otherworldly quality—this is one of the few series that can honestly claim to transport its readers to another time and place—and the attention to backgrounds is a welcome sight when so many other artists are too lazy to be bothered. "[237] Kimlinger wrote that Miura's art "is among the most intricate, evocative and plain beautiful art ever to be put to page and arranged cinematically. He draws wonderfully expressive faces, awe-inspiring monsters, gorgeous armor and some of the finest gore to be found just about anywhere. "[238] Chetri described Miura's otherworld featured in the first arc as "something a drug-addled MC Escher would have painted," also noting homages to Hellraiser and H. P.


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^ Ressler, Karen (March 11, 2015). "North American Anime, Manga Releases, March 8–14". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on March 6, 2022. Retrieved March 6, 2022. ^ Nelkin, Sarah (April 28, 2015). "Girls und Panzer: Little Army Manga's Sequel Begins in Comic Alive". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on March 6, 2022. Retrieved April 28, 2015. ^ ASIN B01CJGOC2O, Comic Alive May 2016 issue (in Japanese) ^ ガールズ&パンツァー リトルアーミーII [Girls und Panzer: Little Army II]. When Capcom introduced Street Fighter II in 1991, it was subtitled "The World Warrior. " Not to be outdone, SNK gave Fatal Fury a subtitle too: "King of Fighters. " SNK of Japan really loved the phrase and couldn't wait to title a game with it. Competition Throughout the 1990s, SNK's main competition came from Capcom, specifically the ever-growing list of sequels to Street Fighter II. Capcom debuted Street Fighter II in 1991 and followed that up with SFII: Champion Edition in 1992. SFII: Turbo Hyper Fighting came out later in 1992.
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