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[13][15] Shinkai and his staff planned the project from January to March 2020. They started developing the film's script in April, which is when the Japanese government declared a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. [16][17] In an interview with TV Asahi, Shinkai mentioned that the pandemic had a less tangible effect on the film's production. However, he said that "the mood of the times is indelibly etched into the script", adding that the film will have a post-apocalyptic theme. [17] Souta turning into a chair was in reference to Shinkai feeling trapped during the COVID-19 curbs. [12] After finishing the script in August, the storyboards were drafted from September 2020 to December 2021, while the production of the animation started in April 2021. [16] The film was officially unveiled during a press conference on December 15, 2021. The film's staff includes Masayoshi Tanaka as the character designer, Kenichi Tsuchiya as the animation director, and Takumi Tanji as the art director. CoMix Wave Films and Story Inc. were revealed as the film's producers. [16] In October 2022, Shinkai announced that production on the film was completed.

He does it when he feels like it and lets his personal feelings affect him. He's so human. Also, the first five seconds of him looking for Sukuna's finger are what sold me on his personality. And the dogs. And his hands- I do like how his past traumas make him more of a cautious person. Rather than rashly tying to enact vengeance on those who've done him wrong, he's using it to his advantage and educating himself so he's better prepared should that moment come.


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^ オリジナル・サウンドトラック. shingeki. tv (in Japanese). Archived from the original on October 11, 2016. Retrieved December 4, 2016. ^ Blu-ray & DVD 第4巻. shingeki. tv (in Japanese). Archived from the original on December 20, 2016. Retrieved December 4, 2016. ^ "'Attack on Titan' Season 2: Title of Opening Theme Confirmed". (Brief Article)(Book Review)". Publishers Weekly. April 11, 2005. Archived from the original on November 5, 2012. Retrieved 2010-11-09. ↑ Fukunaga, Gen (June 1, 2001).
[13] SNK also licensed Tiger Electronics to market handheld electronic games from some of its brands. In 1988, SNK created the idea of a modular cabinet for arcades. Up to that point, arcade cabinets typically contained only one game. When an arcade operator wanted to switch or replace that game, it would have to completely remove the internals of the existing cabinet or exchange the entire setup for another game. SNK's new system, called the Neo Geo MVS (short for Multi Video System), featured multiple games in a single cabinet and used a cartridge-based storage mechanism. The system debuted in 1990 and could contain one, two, four, or six separate games in a single cabinet.