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This is especially sad because I know that the author of Vinland Saga has the ability to write quality characters. He did it with Askeladd after all. It just feels like he sort of gave up on trying to realistically develop Canute over a proper period of time and was just like "Screw it, he's a badass now!" Which is honestly quite unfortunate.
I also find the narrative to be quite weak and lazily written. Sure, it shows on multiple occasions how harsh and cruel Vikings can be, but in reality it just depicts a bunch of dudes traveling around accomplishing not much of anything for like 20 episodes with a few "dark" moments sprinkled in to remind viewers that they're watching a medieval fantasy. I honestly couldn't find much depth or intrigue in this anime at all. It's just not interesting to me whatsoever and feels like a ginormous waste of time. And the whole revenge plot surrounding Thorfinn and Askeladd had about as much substance as the awful revenge plot featured in Masamune-Kun's Revenge. Which is to say that there's practically zero substance, as it never feels like Thofinn makes any progress whatsoever at getting back at Askeladd. Now this would be fine if the anime took the route of trying to develop their bond and bring them closer over the years, but it doesn't feel like that either. That is of course until the anime force feeds us that angle at the end in a last ditch attempt to derive some emotional impact.

After a semi-incognito trip to the library, Claire acquires the book and, while reading it, stumbles upon the phrase "with Lupin, there's no such thing as death". Meanwhile, Assane is forced by the kidnappers to plan the theft of a bracelet belonging to Tara Xang, wife of real estate magnate Max Moller, both of whom will be appearing at a gala at the Château de Thoiry. In preparation, Assane shows Benjamin how to escape through a hedge maze on the grounds of the château. Assane and Benjamin appear at the gala, posing as footmen. Unbeknownst to Benjamin, the actual price that Mariama's kidnappers had demanded was his own imprisonment. When Assane slips the bracelet from Xang's wrist, he drops it on the ground. As Benjamin leaps to pick it up, he is immediately spotted by Moller, who orders his capture. A panic-stricken Benjamin dashes out of the château into the maze but is horrified to find that a large hedge is blocking the path that had been specified for him. At that moment, Guédira and Belkacem, who had previously been called in by Assane, appear on the scene and arrest him. 155"Chapter 5"Xavier GensGeorge Kay, Adam Usden, François Uzan5 October 2023 (2023-10-05) Despite Assane's betrayal, Benjamin staunchly refuses to give him up to the police. However, Guédira is shocked when he discovers Assane sitting in his office.


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Stone Bridge Press. p. 324. ISBN 978-1611720181. Archived from the original on October 8, 2022. Retrieved October 8, 2022. ^ a b "Interview: Yoshihiro Togashi". Shonen Jump. Vol. 1, no. 5. [7] Around 2012, Adi Shankar was approached to direct a live-action version of Ellis' script. Shankar, who at the time had just finished work as executive producer of Dredd, said that the party was looking to make a film in the style of the Underworld films with a similar budget, representative of a small studio with large independent backing. Shankar turned the opportunity down, saying it felt "250 percent wrong", as he had deep respect for the original game and felt the live-action version would not treat it well. [9] Following this, Shankar stepped back from Hollywood to pursue more self-published works, stating that "the major studios were blatantly disrespecting fandom" as a reason he turned down the offer. [9] The show was revitalized when Powerhouse Animation Studios's Sam Deats was able to negotiate a deal with Netflix for the production, using the existing scripts that had been written nearly a decade prior. Powerhouse reached out to Frederator to help with the show's production.
CBC. ca. 2006. Archived from the original on January 11, 2007. Retrieved October 15, 2021. ^ "Interview with Murase Shuko and Sato Dai".