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They also looked very flat and round at the same time, which was weird. The fight scenes were very disappointing, with a lot of still imagery and janky movement. The production continued to degrade with time, and even simple movements became very awkward.MUSIC: 6. 5/10
Not very stand-out at all, OP and ED were your sub-par songs, and the soundtrack was quite unnoticeable.
The characters were very flat this season, with not much development whatsoever. There was a huge emphasis on romance (even between side characters), and that was quite insignificant and unnecessary. With a weak plot, the characters wouldn’t be very good either obviously, and none of them really added anything to the table this season.
Quite the snoozefest at times, considerably more boring than Season 1.
I mean, the comedy is still ok, but everything else, such as the romance and action themes were in the mud this season.
↑ (fr) « Le Tombeau des Lucioles (TV) », sur allocine. fr, Allociné (consulté le 25 février 2012). ↑ Stéphane Dreyfus, « Isao Takahata, l’autre grand maître de l’animation japonaise », La Croix, 27 juin 2014 (lire en ligne) ↑ <Collectif>, OTOMO 5, Hors série de Rockyrama, 2020, 160 p. (ISBN 9782492095016), "Nous sommes en 1945, Isao Takahata, alors enfant, survit à un bombardement américain dans la ville d'Okayama. Il fuit en pyjama avec l'une de ses soeurs pour trouver refuge. " p. 09 ↑ « Le Tombeau des lucioles », sur Allociné. ↑ « Meilleurs films de tous les temps selon les spectateurs », sur Allociné. ↑ a b c d et e Voir le rapport sur le site Allociné. ↑ Antoine Bourguilleau, « Tout ce que l'on ne voit pas dans Le tombeau des lucioles », sur Slate, 8 mai 2018 (consulté le 8 mai 2018). Annexes[modifier | modifier le code] Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : Le Tombeau des lucioles, sur Wikimedia CommonsLe Tombeau des lucioles, sur Wikiquote Bibliographie[modifier | modifier le code] Xavier Kawa-Topor et Ilan Nguyen, Le Tombeau des Lucioles d'Isao Takahata, édition CNC, coll.