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De plus, nous apprenons la série animée débutera sa diffusion le 12 mai 2024 au Japon. Staff : Studio d'animation : ufotable Réalisateur. AnimesSoleil dévoile les premières pages de Solo Camping for Two15:45 : Les éditions Soleil viennent de dévoiler les premières pages de leur nouvelle série, Solo Camping for Two (Futari Solo Camp) de Yudai Debata. Elles sont à découvrir à cette adresse.
This pupil expression is a clear sign of overstimulation or anxiety. “A cat experiencing this level of stress is likely to have a heightened response because fight or flight mode is setting in,” Caron says. Cats are very sensitive creatures when it comes to human touch, and some of them reach their limit quickly. If you keep petting them, they may scratch or bite! It can help to keep petting sessions short—let your cat determine the length and stop petting once they move away. You’ll also want to avoid petting cats on certain “hot spots,” like their belly or tail. Of course, this can vary from cat to cat, but your cat will absolutely let you know! Anxiety can also cause this pupil expression. Other signs of anxiety in cats include: Crouching and hunkering down low to the ground Trembling or shaking Excessive meowing, crying, or shrieking Hissing or growling Tail flicking or fluffed hair A tail tightly wrapped around a crouched body Flattened or sideways ears Rapid and excessive grooming Fleeing and hiding hiding It’s not always easy to pinpoint a cat’s anxiety triggers, especially if nothing out of the ordinary happened to alert you. But it can always help to give your cat space. Rushing to comfort them could add to their stress. If your cat often seems anxious and their eyes frequently take on a “saucer” appearance, it never hurts to check in with your vet. They can help rule out any medical concerns that might play a role in your cat’s distress.