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The show is basically boring up to episode 6, then somewhat interesting up to episode 9, and then a snoozefest until the end, unless you happen . to like the characters, which I didn't. Episode 13 is dedicated to the backstory of 2 characters I honestly couldn't care less about.
The story in Made in Abyss tries to be this grand mystery with multiple intriguing plot lines, but fails at doing so. One of these seemingly important plot points only gets a half of the final episode dedicated to it, the other is a superficial motivation for the main character to go down the Abyss. So the plot ends up relying on the adventures of Riko and Reg, which I must say, are the "interesting" part of the show.
Made in Abyss builds a vast, colourful world that it ends up forgetting to explore. Something that I was wondering while watching this show is "Do other countries exist? Is there anything beyond the mountain-island on which the characters live?", a question to which I didn't get a reply. What does the show actually explore then? The Abyss? Sort of, up to a certain point at which the main characters stop at a layer which happens around episodes 8-9.

February 20, 2017. Archived from the original on May 25, 2019. Retrieved May 25, 2019. ^ "Koe no Katachi // Una Voz Silenciosa". www. konnichiwafestival. com. Archived from the original on July 31, 2017. Retrieved April 19, 2017. ^ "Pioneer Films re-schedules "A Silent Voice" anime movie premiere to May 10". Anime Pilipinas.


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le fonctionnement de la cour Intérieure, les connaissances de l'époque, les us et coutumes de la population nous sont ainsi rapportés avec beaucoup de finesse.
Mao Mao est un personnage auquel on s'attache. Elle est très perspicace mais aussi très irrévérencieuse, notamment à l'égard de Jinshi. Elle a un sens de la justice qui lui est propre et se montre très sarcastique. Elle est aussi honnête (là encore selon son propre code moral). Au fur et à mesure, on en apprend plus sur elle, sur son passé. Enfin, et surtout, elle a une toquade : les poisons. Rien ne l'émoustille plus que la perspective de savourer du fugu. En face, on trouve Jinshi, un bel eunuque androgyne qui fait tomber toutes les têtes, très investi dans sa charge mais qui semble être toqué de Mao Mao (la seule qui ne se pâme pas devant lui, il faut le dire), faisant montre à son endroit de réaction quelques peu déstabilisantes. The uniform designs for the school I felt were also well designed and looked pretty smart as well. Character design I felt was also pretty good with each character being unique and well designed. In terms of animation I felt that animation was clear and beautifully detailed. In terms of music I felt that the series had a pretty good opening and ending themes with the ending being particularly strong. Voice acting for the series I felt was superb with Kiyotaka’s voice actor Shouya Chiba and Suzune’s seiyuu Akari Kito deserving particular praise for their portrayal of their respective characters.
Overall conclusion
Overall Youkoso was an interesting anime that had as its main strengths an interesting premise, story, characters and the underlying themes of society that it tries to address. The main premise of this show is of course the prestigious high school that the main characters attend in the story. The school while seemingly perfect both in terms of facilities and reputation is only a facade for within it hides a very strict school system where a student’s performance in their studies and exams determine their worth to both the school and to society. To reinforce this system the anime makes use of an interesting system that serve to underline the central purpose of this school. The system is an interesting concept in itself in that it acts both as a central resource for the everyday needs of the students but also an objective for the students for failure to do well in the school will see the number of points that they gain every month lessen. The idea to make this system a combination of not just a currency that can be used but also an indication of how much worth the school see’s in both the class and the students within was an interesting move and tied in well with the school’s unique culture.
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