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[14] The food depicted in the show was originally accurated to the Edo period, but eventually expanded to include anachronistic dishes such as okonomiyaki. [5] The plot is structured like a road movie, with little connection between stories until the final three-part arc, contrasting against the serial structure of its contemporaries. [8] Watanabe particularly cited the movies about the blind samurai Zatoichi as an inspiration for this style. Other influences on the series included Enter the Dragon and Dirty Harry. One episode was based around the Chinese concept of Qi. [15] During early planning, the series' tone was far more serious, but after the first four episodes had been written, the staff were worried about the tone becoming bleak, prompting a greater focus on comedy.

Other now-familiar franchises, such as Bomberman, Double Dragon, and Magical Drop, would soon follow. Throughout the NeoGeo's life span, SNK also funded the day-to-day operations of a second-party publisher responsible for a number of marginally successful MVS/AES games. That publisher was Alpha-Denshi, better known to fans as ADK. While ADK wasn't exactly the RareWare of the day, the company did make a name for itself, thanks to games like Magician Lord, Ninja Combat, and the World Heroes fighting game series. In hindsight, one could argue that SNK's unwavering focus on the NeoGeo MVS/AES tandem was a situation of putting too many eggs in one basket. Like it or not, games for the Super NES and Sega Genesis were getting better all the time, and people were beginning to pour their hard-earned dollars back into new games to play at home instead of into the coin slots down at the local arcade.


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• "They were listening to our conversation. "
"Who was?"
"They just kept listening to it. "
"Who was listening?"
"They. Narima, Reiichi (January 8, 2020). 『チェンソーマン』5巻、壮絶な戦闘描写で捧げる“B級ホラー映画”へのオマージュ. Real Sound [ja] (in Japanese). Blueprint Co. , Ltd. Archived from the original on March 26, 2020.
s-book. com (in Japanese). Shueisha. Archived from the original on May 9, 2003. Retrieved October 11, 2021. ^ "Golden Boy 5".