frieren voiranime tokyo revengers ecchi in anime

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One thing I didn't like though is Hachi's personality. Her behaviour at times is despicable. Mainly because she has no ideals or dreams (except getting married witch is pretty boring compared to the rest of the characters).
The story is also one of Nana's strong points. Ai Yazawa worked really hard on it, and did her best to create a realistic world so that the reader can almost become part of it and experience it emotionaly.
Even though the plot is a typical shoujo tearjerker (with a bit of music) it has that magical something that makes you cheer unconsciously for some characters and experience emotionally some events almost as strongly as the characters themselves. Another good thing about the story is that it exposes the hard, cruel reality, which has no happy endings and pure loves. Yazawa-sensei gives her characters a big imagination (especially Hachi) But the world they live in is just like ours.
As for the art, it wasn't that impressive. It annoys me how all the characters are so thin and tall. Other that that I think the art matched the story pretty well.

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sousou no frieren characters name

but I won't spoil it.
I loved seeing other actors I stan in this:
- Tao (she served so hard I didn't even mind all the flashbacks scenes with the admittedly gorgeous kimono)
- the Kanokari ML. no, idk his name. yes I appreciate him. yes we exist.
- the ML from Neko.
- my new crush, Takaishi Akari from JK to Haijin. even tho the latter was so evil in this. nice acting tho.
my only complaint would be that this movie needed more time with the couple instead of the fantasy/action elements. bc, let me be honest, I didn't come for that and neither I did the rest of audience I think. Manga Entertainment. 2000. – closing credits ^ "Interview 02 2002年12月 イタリアから、主に「千年女優」に関するインタビュー". KON'S TONE (in Japanese). 今敏. March 16, 2007.
03, Haha to Haha to 1988. 03) 5 December 28, 2014[24]978-4-04-101743-2November 7, 2017[25]978-0-316-46845-9 25. "'Back Then' Doesn't Exist Anymore, March 1988" (「あの頃」はもう無い 1988. 03, "Ano Koro" wa Mō Nai 1988. 03) 26. "Miscarriage of Justice, March 1988" (冤罪事件 1988. 03, Enzai Jiken 1988. 03) 27. "Abduction, March 1988" (誘拐の条件 1988. 03, Yūkai no Jōken 1988. 03) 28.