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Unlike dogs, cats aren't color blind, however it's thought that they don't perceive color as intensely as we do; they can see blues and yellows fairly well, but like some humans they can't distinguish between red and green. Their balance of rods and cones means they don't see the world in as much detail as we do, either; they're not very good at focusing on anything close, and their distance vision isn't too hot either. However the construction of their eyes means that they're exceptionally good at spotting anything small and squeaky within pouncing distance, making them incredibly effective predators. As well as the upper and lower eyelid, cats also have a third inner eyelid called the nictitating membrane, a protective translucent layer that you might occasionally glimpse when your cat blinks, and also if your cat's unwell as it may partially close over its eyes. And the reason that cats' eyes sometimes glow in the dark? A layer of tissue at the back of the eyes called the tapetum lucidum, which reflects light back. (Image credit: Getty Images)Why are cat eyes slits?The most striking features of cats' eyes are undoubtedly those vertical slits for pupils.46 391K Add to My List B-gata H-kei 389385 6. 85 20100402 B-gata H-kei TV, 2010Finished 12 eps, 24 min Comedy Romance Ecchi B-gata H-kei Most people, including the girl herself, would say that first year high school student Yamada is beautiful and perfect. Despite this, she is working towards a peculiar goal: to have sex with one hundred men by the end of high school. Trying to put some sense into her head, Yamada's best friend, Miharu Takeshita, points out a major flaw in that plan—she is completely inexperienced with men. However, the reason behind this is that Yamada thinks her lady parts look strange and believes others will judge her for it. As a result, Yamada decides that her first time must be with a fellow virgin, since they will not hurt or scare her.