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This struggle against great odds by a class of misfits that make use of a variety of tactics to even the field to give them a better chance of victory I felt
only serves to make this anime that much interesting. Watching Kiyotaka and Suzune work together to counter the plans of the other classes and the school sure was fun to watch. Overall Youkoso was an interesting anime that had not just an interesting premise and a great story but also great characters that it used to
tackle a number of interesting themes that are really relevant in society and in terms of final score I think it definitely deserves a 10 in my books. The only lament that I felt about this anime was that it was only a half season so we aren’t able to see more of what Kiyotaka’s true personality is like. Reviewer’s Rating: 10 What did you think of this review? Nice 0 Love it 0 Funny 0 Confusing 0 Informative 0 Well-written 0 Creative 0More reviews by Shingster (130) Show allRead moreShow lessOpen Gift Report Oct 1, 2017 PoDH Mixed Feelings I think that this anime isn't very newbie friendly. The story is pretty confusing, there is no the usual "OP character" or main stream background like magic,etc.
Story. I think they really miss this one.
Usually the Story revolve around the MC, but they only scratch it. They tease about each MC backstory but give a full story about it. I hope they wait for enough material from the LN to make it a 25 episode/2 season.
2024British Dictionary definitions for bastardbastard/ (ˈbɑːstəd, ˈbæs-) /nouninformal,
offensive an obnoxious or despicable personinformal, often jocular a person, esp a man: lucky bastardinformal something
extremely difficult or unpleasant: that job is a real bastardold-fashioned, or offensive a person born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate baby, child, or adultsomething irregular, abnormal, or inferiora hybrid, esp an accidental or inferior oneSee moreadjective(prenominal)old-fashioned, or offensive illegitimate by birthirregular, abnormal, or inferior in shape, size, or appearanceresembling a specified thing, but not actually being such: a bastard cedarcounterfeit; spuriousSee moreOrigin of bastard1C13: from Old French bastart, perhaps from bast in the phrase fils de bast son of the packsaddle (that is, of an unlawful and not the marriage bed), from Medieval Latin bastum packsaddle, of uncertain originDerived forms of bastardbastardly, adjectiveCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012Browse#aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzzAboutCareersShopContact usAdvertise with usCookies, terms, & privacyDo not sell my infoFollow usGet the Word of the Day every day!Sign upBy clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary. com Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. My account© 2024 Dictionary. com, LLC bastard noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at OxfordLearnersDictionaries.
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