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Led by Ryusaku and opposition Diet leader Nezu, the terrorists get wind of the Colonel's project and a mysterious figure connected with it known as "Akira. " They hope to use this leaked information and try to restrict Kaneda's movements because of his involvement with their activities. However, when Tetsuo and the Clowns begin a violent citywide turf war, Kaneda instigates a counter-attack that unites all of Neo-Tokyo's biker gangs against Tetsuo. While the Clown Gang is easily defeated, Tetsuo's psionic powers make him virtually invincible. Tetsuo kills Yamagata, Kaneda's second-in-command, and astonishingly survives after being shot by Kaneda. The Colonel arrives with the powerful drugs needed to suppress Tetsuo's violent headaches, extending Tetsuo an offer to join the project.2Characters 3. 3Music 3. 4Genres 3. 5Formats 4Industry Toggle Industry subsection 4. 1Markets 4. 2Awards 4. 3Working conditions 5Globalization and cultural impact Toggle Globalization and cultural impact subsection 5. 1Fan response 5. 2Anime style 5. 3Media franchises 6See also 7Notes 8References Toggle References subsection 8. 1Sources 9External links Toggle the table of contents Anime 130 languages AfrikaansAlemannischአማርኛالعربيةAragonésঅসমীয়াAsturianuAvañe'ẽAzərbaycancaবাংলাBanjarBân-lâm-gúБашҡортсаБеларускаяБеларуская (тарашкевіца)БългарскиBoarischBosanskiBrezhonegCatalàЧӑвашлаCebuanoČeštinaChiShonaCymraegDanskالدارجةDeutschEestiΕλληνικάEspañolEsperantoEuskaraفارسیFrançaisFryskGaeilgeGalegoگیلکی한국어HawaiʻiՀայերենहिन्दीHrvatskiIlokanoBahasa IndonesiaInterlinguaᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ / inuktitutIsiZuluÍslenskaItalianoעבריתJawaქართულიҚазақшаKiswahiliKurdîКыргызчаLadinລາວLatinaLatviešuLëtzebuergeschLietuviųLimburgsLingua Franca NovaMagyarМакедонскиമലയാളംमराठीBahasa MelayuМонголမြန်မာဘာသာNederlandsनेपाली日本語NapulitanoНохчийнNorsk bokmålNorsk nynorskOccitanଓଡ଼ିଆOʻzbekcha / ўзбекчаਪੰਜਾਬੀپنجابیپښتوភាសាខ្មែរPiemontèisPolskiPortuguêsQırımtatarcaRipoarischRomânăRuna SimiРусиньскыйРусскийСаха тылаSarduScotsShqipSimple EnglishSlovenčinaSlovenščinaŚlůnskiکوردیСрпски / srpskiSrpskohrvatski / српскохрватскиSundaSuomiSvenskaTagalogதமிழ்Татарча / tatarçaTetunไทยТоҷикӣTürkçeTürkmençeТыва дылУдмуртУкраїнськаاردوTiếng Việt文言Winaray吴语ייִדיש粵語Žemaitėška中文 Edit links ArticleTalk English ReadView sourceView history Tools Tools move to sidebar hide Actions ReadView sourceView history General What links hereRelated changesUpload fileSpecial pagesPermanent linkPage informationCite this pageGet shortened URLDownload QR codeWikidata item Print/export Download as PDFPrintable version In other projects Wikimedia CommonsWikinews From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Japanese animation Not to be confused with Amine.