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Everyone meets and befriends each other in a matter of minutes, thus there is no gravity behind their friendship. It’s one thing to spend months with someone before you can call him an ally or a friend, and a whole other to bond in mere minutes. Basically every Jujutsu sorcerer in the show gets introduced and instantly becomes part of the team, thus it never feels like these characters care deeply about each other. Character motivations are another lame thing, since they are ridiculously simple. One wants to help people because his grandpa told him to do it, another wants to find her childhood friend, and a third wants to be kind like his sister. It’s one thing to expect something less than trying to be the best sorcerer in the world, and a whole other to want close to nothing.

Date attempted to clinch until he remembered that Ippo could throw a liver blow at that range and quickly lets go when Ippo began the motion. The round then ended when Ippo pushed Date to the ropes again, ending the round with a draw in points. Date using the Neck Spin. When the second round began, Date attempted to beat Ippo at his best range in an in-fight, which caused Date trouble as Ippo hit him and Date was barely able to keep his guard up. Date noticed Ippo was about to use the liver blow and blocked his right side, however it turned out to be a feint. Ippo then landed a barrage of punches to Date's face, as his neck swings from every blow until the second round ended. Ippo informed Kamogawa that Date did not take any damage despite hitting him at full swing. Kamogawa did not believe that to be the case and Ippo was instructed to not change the fight plan. The third round began and Date rushed towards Ippo looking for another in-fight. Date was only able to land some light punches as Ippo attacked Date's guard. Ippo landed a body blow and began hitting Date's face again, however Date spun his neck to roll the punches, negating the damage.


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Retrieved April 6, 2008. ^ a b c d e "鋼の錬金術師 DVD and CD" (in Japanese). Sony. Archived from the original on April 10, 2009. Retrieved October 10, 2008. ^ "鋼の錬金術師 Box set archives" (in Japanese). Aniplex. Archived from the original on January 24, 2009. Retrieved December 7, 2008. ^ "Fullmetal Alchemist on Adult Swim Saturday". Anime News Network. However, Sakuta is pulled another time loop which repeats July 18 multiple times; unlike the first loop, Tomoe is unaware of the cycle. Following a conversation with Rio, he realizes Tomoe has been lying about her feelings, hence the repetition of July 18. After confirming his suspicions in his fourth July 18, Sakuta takes her to Enoshima instead and confronts her, where she admits she has fallen in love with him, but he respectfully turns her down. The following day, it is June 27 once again as the events of episode 4 repeat, though with Mai kissing Sakuta on the cheek while having lunch. While going home, the two encounter a middle-schooler named Shoko Makinohara shielding an abandoned cat from the rain, a doppelgänger with the same name as another girl whom Sakuta had fallen in love with when he was younger. However, the oddity is that the Shoko whom Sakuta had met was older than this girl; she had been in high school during the time Sakuta was in middle school.
Archived from the original on December 14, 2017. Retrieved March 30, 2015. ^ "The best anime of the decade". Polygon. November 6, 2019. Archived from the original on December 20, 2019.