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Viz Media. Archived
from the original on
September 25, 2022. Retrieved September 25, 2022. ^ "Fullmetal Alchemist (Manga)". Madman Entertainment. Archived from the original on July 28, 2013.
"Bearing Fruit" 14. "Aberrant Woodmage, The Fallen Divine" 15. "The 500-Limit Concerto and the Victory Seeker" 3 March 17, 2021[25][26]978-4-06-522220-1
978-4-06-522219-5 (LE)August 3, 2021 (digital)
December 27,
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978-1-64651-484-7 (print) 16. "The 500-Limit Concerto and the Hopeful Dodger" 17. "The Egyptian Art Guy, Soaring Through the Air" 18. "A Dazzling Sea of Trees" 19. "Taking Advantage of a Just Cause" 20. "Bird Mask vs
Clown Spider" 21. "Let's Go Tomb Raiding!" 22. "Shining True" 23. "Steel Beyond Any Bound" 24.