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In the school's brutally competitive hierarchy, Satsuki bestows upon those at the top special clothes called "Goku Uniforms," which grant the wearer unique superhuman abilities. Thoroughly beaten in a fight against one of the students in uniform, Ryuuko retreats to her razed home where she stumbles across Senketsu, a rare and sentient "Kamui," or God Clothes. After coming into contact with Ryuuko's blood, Senketsu awakens, latching onto her and providing her with immense power. Now, armed with Senketsu and the Scissor Blade, Ryuuko makes a stand against the Elite Four, hoping to reach Satsuki and uncover the culprit behind her father's murder once and for all. [Written by MAL Rewrite] StudioTrigger SourceOriginal ThemesSchoolSuper Power 8. 03 1. 7M Add to My List Shokugeki no Souma 1632914 8. 14 20150404 Shokugeki no Souma TV, 2015Finished 24 eps, 25 min Gourmet Ecchi Shokugeki no Souma Souma Yukihira has been cooking alongside his father Jouichirou for as long as he can remember. As a sous chef at his father's restaurant, he has spent years developing his culinary expertise and inventing new dishes to amaze their customers. He aspires to exceed his father's skill and take over the restaurant one day, but he is shocked to learn that Jouichirou is closing up the shop to take a job in New York. Rather than tagging along with his father, Souma finds himself enrolling at the prestigious Tootsuki Culinary Academy, where only 10 percent of its students end up graduating.Retrieved December 17, 2022. Episode 31: Pineda, Rafael Antonio (November 20, 2021). "Japanese Animation TV Ranking, November 8–14". Anime News Network. Retrieved December 17, 2022. Episode 32: Pineda, Rafael Antonio (November 27, 2021).