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[95] Southpaw Just like with any in-fighter, Ippo, using whatever leg is easiest to land a punch with, unknowingly switches between orthodox and southpaw while throwing combinations such as the Dempsey Roll, making it possible for him to use the southpaw stance, an option he did not know he had until after retirement. [96] To help Mashiba fight against the world champion, Marcus Rosario, Ippo began training as a southpaw. [97] The southpaw training allowed Ippo to surprise and push the world title contender Mashiba to the ropes, and make him have to fight seriously. He also surprised Mashiba's coach, who would have thought Ippo is a natural southpaw if he didn't know him. [98] In his first time using it after only training a short amount of time, Ippo was able to successfully use quick combinations on a guard, pushing the world contender Mashiba, who is two weight classes higher than Ippo to the ropes. At close range, Ippo can keep his pivot foot outside to keep himself far away from his opponent's right.mushokutensei. jp. Retrieved July 28, 2023. ^ 無職転生 ~異世界行ったら本気だす~ 転移迷宮編 ドラマCDブックレット 試聴配信スタート!!. Animate Times (in Japanese). April 14, 2017. Archived from the original on September 3, 2022. Retrieved March 15, 2022. ^ 『無職転生~異世界行ったら本気だす~転移迷宮編 ドラマCDブックレット』から下野紘さんらキャストインタビュー到着! ルディやロキシーをどう演じた?. Animate Times (in Japanese). April 28, 2017.