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"Japanese Comic Ranking, April 29-May 5". Anime News Network. Retrieved April 8, 2015. ^ Hodgkins, Crystalyn (November 6, 2013). "Japanese Comic Ranking, October 28-November 3". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on December 19, 2018. Retrieved December 19, 2018. ^ Osborn, Alex (December 19, 2018). "My Hero Academia: Season 4 of Anime to premiere in October". IGN.

5% said that they were "very familiar", 57. 3% said that they were "familiar with the name", indicating that 97. 8% knew the existence of the series. Of the 1,558 respondents who said that they were "very familiar", 1,182 respondents "like" or "very liked" the series. To the question of "what part of the series do you like?", the series' story was the most popular aspect with 76. 4% votes, followed by the setting with 49. 3% and the relatability of the characters with 45. 3% votes. 31% of the fans said that they owned the manga, and of the 66. 1% of those fans said they owned every volume. According to multiple respondents, the series helped them treasure and connect with their families and allowed people of different generations to connect even in the workplace and beyond.


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Our iteration minus her would suffer too much. ” In addition to Kanno’s participation, the adaptation also sees the return of the Japanese original’s voice actors. The members of the cast are reprising their roles by dubbing the Japanese language track of the Netflix series. No remakes can fully capture the energy of what Watanabe, Kanno and the team at Sunrise created in 1998. But it’s clear through decisions like bringing Kanno and the original voice actors onboard, preserving the opening theme “Tank!” (whew!) and the attention to detail in adapting specific scenes that Netflix made an effort to pay homage to the anime classic. More Must-Reads From TIMEThe Fight to Free Evan GershkovichInside the White House Program to Share America's SecretsMeet the 2024 Women of the YearBreaker Sunny Choi Is Heading to ParisLong COVID Doesn’t Always Look Like You Think It DoesColumn: The New AntisemitismThe 13 Best New Books to Read in MarchWant Weekly Recs on What to Watch, Read, and More? Sign Up for Worth Your TimeContact us at letters@time. com You May Also LikeEdit PostTIME LogoHomeU. S. PoliticsWorldHealthBusinessTechPersonal Finance by TIME StampedShopping by TIME StampedFuture of Work by CharterEntertainmentIdeasScienceHistorySportsMagazineThe TIME VaultTIME For KidsTIME CO2CouponsTIME EdgeVideoMastheadNewslettersSubscribeSubscriber BenefitsGive a GiftShop the TIME StoreCareersModern Slavery StatementPress RoomTIME StudiosU. S. & Canada Customer CareGlobal Help CenterContact the EditorsReprints and PermissionsSite MapMedia KitSupplied Partner ContentAbout Us© 2024 TIME USA, LLC. 5/10
Not very stand-out at all, OP and ED were your sub-par songs, and the soundtrack was quite unnoticeable.
The characters were very flat this season, with not much development whatsoever. There was a huge emphasis on romance (even between side characters), and that was quite insignificant and unnecessary. With a weak plot, the characters wouldn’t be very good either obviously, and none of them really added anything to the table this season.
Quite the snoozefest at times, considerably more boring than Season 1.
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