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Those feelings were real and knowing that events like this happen in the world today didn’t help me. It was the first time I could remember crying from a movie, leaving me devastated as the credits rolled. The fireflies had risen, burned the brightest they possibly could have, before returning to darkness, leaving me there as well. That was the first time I watched Grave of the Fireflies.
The second time I watched Grave of the Fireflies, it had once again surprised me, but for reasons that were perplexing. It was still very sad and depressing, but ultimately left me feeling unsatisfied with the experience. Nothing in the film had changed, in fact I still remembered most of the key events that happened along with when they would take place. However this time the film lacked my investment and the sentiments I once had for each of those moments was no longer there. Rewatching the film even years later highlighted certain aspects that I had initially glossed over, not having already been acquainted with the story and characters. The hand that once tugged my heartstring no longer caught me by surprise, and the beats this film played to was a tune I had become familiar with. This was Grave of the Fireflies’ biggest weakness.

[54] Writing for The New Paper, Jonathan Roberts stated that "if [Lupin] was a film, it would be a contender for the year's best". [55] Daniel D'Addario of Variety wrote that the cliffhanger at the end of the first series "will leave any viewer who's taken the ride eager for more. "[56] Rolling Stone's Alan Sepinwall praised Sy's performance, writing that "it all works because [he] is so magnetic and charming that questioning plot logic feels wildly besides the point. "[57] Karen Han of Slate wrote that Lupin "doesn't waste a single minute, packing each and every moment full of suspense". [58] On Rotten Tomatoes, the second part holds an approval rating of 96%, with an average rating of 8. 10/10, based on 28 reviews.


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Due to a scene where the characters had darkened skin tones, wore dark make-up, and wore costumes that were similar to stereotypical African tribal outfits (a quite possible homage to gyaru or ganguro fashion),[24][25][26] Sega was accused by some English-speaking viewers of blackface and cultural appropriation. The next day, the episode was withdrawn indefinitely and a public apology in both English and Japanese was uploaded to the official Project SEKAI Twitter account. [27] The episode was reuploaded to YouTube on March 15, 2022, with modifications to remove the tan, makeup and tribal items. [28] On October 21, 2021, the event Revival my dream was released on the Japanese servers of the game. This event sparked controversy among English-speaking viewers on social media due to the cards’ costumes portraying perceived racial stereotypes of Native Americans and a character in the event describing “forest dwellers” as “barbaric”, which some people took as racist or colonialist towards Native Americans. Due to this, the event was skipped in the English server; only the event's commissioned song "Showtime Ruler" was released. Players defending the event have stated that it was intended to be a reference to the movie Princess Mononoke, and that the story was about overcoming racial prejudice. [29] Real life events[edit] Concert[edit] Currently, the game has held two types of live concerts: SEKAI Symphony and Colorful Link. SEKAI Symphony[edit] SEKAI Symphony (セカイシンフォニー) is an annual orchestra concert for the songs that has been featured in the game. It is held annually held at Pacifico Yokohama and is performed by SEKAI Symphony Special Band of Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra. The first concert, held on October 16, 2021 featured Tsukasa Tenma and Nene Kusanagi's voice actors Daisuke Hirose and Machico as guests. The creators were good at writing a mystery, not so much interesting characters. None had complex personalities. The only real character trait an important character had was the main boy who's trait is that he is horny. Main girl, heaven girl etc. , are all completely forgetable but for their designs (the designs clearly came before the characters). The side quests are really forgettable as well, all just exploring very basic and surface level themes. They were all just incredibly mediocre and poorly written.
The climax of this season is about the main girl's character. Her character arc is the real point of this season. But this main pillar crumbles only a few episodes after we hear her backstory (which does look to be interesting at first). The whole thing is handled so poorly and the writers clearly can't make anything complex or believable.
Marley's air fleet, led by Reiner, launch an invasion of Paradis, and chaos breaks out in the ensuing battle. Eren and Zeke reunite, which leads them to the Paths—a series of atemporal gateways connecting all Eldians through time and space. There, they meet the consciousness of Ymir Fritz—the original Titan—whose tortured past led to her imprisonment within the Paths for thousands of years. Zeke attempts to convince Ymir to fulfill his wish to stop the Subjects of Ymir from reproducing via mass sterilization. [a] Eren convinces Ymir to use her power to bring about the Rumbling—unleashing thousands of Wall Titans kept within Paradis's walls and leading them on a genocidal march to kill everyone outside the island. The Survey Corps ally with remaining Marleyan forces, including Reiner and a now-freed Annie to stop Eren, and they defeat the Yeagerists before confronting Eren, though many are killed, including Hange.