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Their culture and way of life were something new and fresh to him; he learned, for instance, that if somebody killed while intoxicated, they could get a lower sentence or go free. Yukimura traveled to Norway and Scandinavia in 2003 to conduct research on Vikings, which was difficult due to the language barrier, as he speaks no Norwegian and little English. He claimed the Oseberg Ship to be the most beautiful ship he has ever seen. Yukimura compares Vikings to wokou instead of samurai, as he would find more differences than similarities between the former and the latter. He believes Vikings were more free and honest about their own feelings; samurai were more quiet as a people and were obedient towards their master or their own honor. [24] Yukimura also visited Denmark, Iceland, France, Britain, and Canada for research.2023 One Piece 1099 : Chapitre 1099 23 Nov. 2023 One Piece 1098 : Chapitre 1098 08 Nov. 2023 One Piece 1097 : Ginny 01 Nov. 2023 One Piece 1096 : Chapitre 1096 27 Oct. 2023 One Piece 1095 : Chapitre 1095 16 Oct. 2023 One Piece 1094 : Chapitre 1094 05 Oct.