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6 Ép. 7 Ép. 8 Ép. 9 4-3 3-2-1[note 1] Abandon médical[note 2] 4-2 4-2 Abandons[note 3] 8-0 (officiel)[note 4] Abandon (officiel)[note 5] 6-0 (officiel, en comptant le vote exceptionnel du présentateur)[note 6] Abandon médical[note 7] 1[note 8] 1[note 9] Finaliste Vainqueur[note 10] Chataléré Tony Tonic[note 11] Soissons[note 12] (dit Soso) Anne[note 13] Philippe Marina et Soraya Yvan (version officielle) Alexandra Annick William Jean-Guy Patrice et Hervé Carole Marc 1er Marc 40 Ex Pilote Les Nullos Marc Anne Vote nul Yvan Annick Jean-Guy Jury final 2e Carole 28 Ancienne Championne et Coach sportive Les Mojitos Chataléré Philippe Patrice Yvan Annick Patrice et Hervé 3e/4e Hervé 42 Secrétaire de Direction Les Mojitos Chataléré Philippe Patrice Yvan Annick Carole 3e/4e Patrice 48 Barman Les Mojitos Carole Carole William Yvan Annick Marc 5e Jean-Guy 35 Urgentiste Les Nullos Inconnu[note 14] Marc 6e William 21 Influenceur Les Nullos Tony Anne Patrice Yvan Annick Abandon Marc 7e Annick 28 Circassienne Les Mojitos Chataléré Philippe Patrice Yvan Pas de Vote Carole 8e Alexandra 28 Ancienne Juriste Les Nullos Anne Carole Yvan Abandon Marc 9e Yvan Inconnu Inconnu Les Mojitos Chataléré Philippe Patrice Yvan Carole[note 15] 10e/11e Soraya 28 Gardienne de Zoo Les Nullos Anne Anne Abandon Carole 10e/11e Marina 28 Adjudant-chef Les Nullos Tony Alexandra Abandon Carole 12e Philippe 40 Vétéran et Écrivain Les Mojitos Carole Carole Marc 13e Anne 28 Institutrice Les Nullos Tony Alexandra Marc Carole[note 16] 14e Soso 35 Agent Immobilier Les Nullos Abandon Carole 15e Tony Tonic 42 Coach Sportif Les Nullos Anne Marc 16e Chataléré 28 Créatrice de mode Les Mojitos Carole Marc ↑ Tony Tonic, après avoir perdu sa jambe par une attaque de requin durant l'épreuve, est éliminé. ↑ Soso a abandonné après avoir percé sa bulle durant la première épreuve ce qui lui occasionne des soucis de santé. ↑ Marina et Soraya ne peuvent pas vivre l'une sans l'autre et toutes les deux décident de quitter l'aventure pour vivre leur amour. ↑ Le déroulement du conseil a été truquée en post-synchronisation pour des raisons inconnues conduisant à l’élimination d'Yvan. Sans ces perturbations dont il ne vaut mieux pas en savoir davantage, Patrice aurait été éliminé. ↑ Alexandra quitte le jeu pour suivre le "pâtissier" Marco qui, en échange, laisse la vie à tout le monde à la suite d'un dérangement. ↑ Annick est "éliminée" par le présentateur sans véritablement passer au vote (un court vote à main levé à l'unanimité contre elle dans lequel a pris part celui-ci) car elle avait caché la "farine" du "pâtissier" Marco ce qui a occasionné des ennuis avec lui. ↑ William, défoncé par la cocaïne qu'il a "goûté" pendant l'épreuve et ayant reçu une balle dans le ventre, quitte l'aventure "de son plein gré" avec l'accord du Présentateur et avec l'aide de deux infirmiers qui l'emmènent.

Retrieved August 4, 2012. ^ a b "Akira". Top 50 Science Fiction Films. Film4. 2011. Archived from the original on December 31, 2011. Retrieved May 21, 2008. ^ "Yu Yu Hakusho - Yusuke Rediscover (Vol. 32) - Uncut: DVD: Yu Yu Hakusho". Amazon. July 19, 2005.


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With just one touch from a girl, his nose bleeds uncontrollably, he sweats excessively, and in rare cases, faints abruptly. His life changes for the worse because of a fated meeting in the restroom. While trying to escape from a girl, he discovers that the most popular student in their school, Subaru Konoe—the butler of the headmaster’s daughter, Kanade Suzutsuki—is actually female! Surprised, Subaru violently assaults Kinjirou, dealing significant damage and knocking him unconscious. When he comes to, he meets Kanade. In exchange for his silence, she promises to help cure his phobia. [Written by MAL Rewrite] Studiofeel. SourceLight novel ThemesLove PolygonSchool 8. 35 721K Add to My List Eromanga-sensei 716461 6. 34 20170409 Eromanga-sensei TV, 2017Finished 12 eps, 23 min Comedy Romance Ecchi Eromanga-sensei One year ago, Sagiri Izumi became step-siblings with Masamune Izumi. But the sudden death of their parents tears their new family apart, resulting in Sagiri becoming a shut-in which cut her off from her brother and society. While caring for what's left of his family, Masamune earns a living as a published light novel author with one small problem: he's never actually met his acclaimed illustrator, Eromanga-sensei, infamous for drawing the most lewd erotica. with hidden items across the game's levels. Screenshot of Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin, which features Metroidvania gameplay. In the top screen is the map, which records the player's progress as they explore the castle. Vampire Killer, released in 1986 for the MSX 2 computer and developed alongside the original Castlevania (the two share the same title in Japanese), departs from the more straightforward platforming gameplay of Castlevania, instead introducing an open-ended, exploration-heavy form of gameplay. Castlevania II: Simon's Quest featured nonlinear gameplay even more open-ended than that of Vampire Killer, with several exclusive elements such as a world map the player was free to explore and revisit. The player could also purchase supplies, equipment and weapon upgrades in several different towns, making it more like an action role-playing game. It introduced a persistent world with a day-night cycle which altered gameplay, and offered three possible endings depending on the time it took to complete the game. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse for the NES has more in common with the original NES Castlevania and added features, including nonlinear elements such as alternate branching paths with different stages and alternate endings depending on the player's choices, as well as multiple player characters. A turning point in the gameplay mechanics of the series was Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Expanding on the open-ended style of gameplay previously used in Castlevania II: Simon's Quest, Symphony of the Night's style of gameplay has been termed "Metroidvania" due to its similarities with the nonlinear and exploration-focused side-scrolling games of the Metroid series. It used role-playing elements, such as collectible weapons, armor and hidden orbs.

Animation isn't one of Monster's many selling points. Still, it is more than serviceable. Given than this is a 2004 anime, it's not gonna look as clean nor as "HD" as most anime these days. I believe it is styled to look older than what it is, given the show takes place in the 90s. It definitely has a 90s feel in terms of animation quality, where everything is hand-drawn, but at a lower resolution and a 4:3 aspect ratio. But hey, if you're into that old-school feel, you'll certainly have no issue with what is presented.