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^ "Code Geass: Shikkoku no Renya Manga to Launch in 2010ト". Anime
News Network. 2009-12-07. Archived from the
original on 2010-09-17. Retrieved 2010-07-25. ^ "Bandai
Entertainment Adds Nichijou,
Gosick Anime". Anime News Network. Archived from the original on 2011-10-13. Retrieved 31 July 2011. ^ "Bandai Entertainment to Stop Releasing New DVDs, Blu-ray Discs, and Manga". Anime News Network.
All you need to know, is that this is the best show ever made ever, and nothing will compare to it in the future.
Go watch it right now!!! Reviewer’s Rating: 10 What did you think of this review? Nice 0 Love it 0 Funny 0 Confusing 0 Informative 0 Well-written 0 Creative 0More
reviews by DarraghBoi (1) Show allRead moreShow lessOpen Gift Report Mar 6, 2024 yaboiiarty Mixed Feelings Most isekai
follow a very empty and repetitive plot. Protagonist X is a generic shut-in gamer who worries more about his in-game character's stats over his own education. Suddenly, event Y occurs and he is transported into a fantasy world; a world where weapons, warlocks, and scantily-dressed girls are as far as the eye can see. In this world, he is paired with Girl A, who has a strange attraction to the foreigner. Together, they take on the evil forces of the Devil/Demon King, meeting Girl B and Girl C, who share that same attraction to the protagonist. Then it stops abruptly when you realize . that seasons take forever to get animated and you're not going to see what happens next for another three years. Oh, and there's also lots of eye candy for the standard male viewer to gawk at just in case the story was too boring to want to listen to.
"Net idol Aoi" 14. "Side Story" 15. "Class 1-7 Soutaru Kanou" 4 December 5, 2007978-4-592-18434-8April 13,
2010 (Tokyopop)
November 3, 2015 (Viz)978-1-4278-1406-7
978-1-4215-8131-6 16. "Maid Latte Even At The Beach House" 17. "School
Visitation Association and a Glasses Rabbit" 18. "Maid Latte in the beach Party!" 19.