20th century boys perfect edition vol 12 scan my heros academia
2鬼滅之刃 劇場版 無限列車篇9. 0獵人7. 5「鬼滅之刃」上弦集結,前進刀匠村8. 9死亡筆記本9. 1進擊的巨人8. 7火影忍者疾風傳8. 6鬼滅之刃8. 7排球少年!8. 3寄生獸:生命的準則7. 7東京喰種StorylineEditDid you knowEditTriviaGeass (or Geas) is a term used in Irish Mythology that means 'contract' or 'vow'. QuotesCharles: The former 17th heir to the Imperial Throne, Lelouch vi Britannia.
Roy Mustang was pretty much reduced to a womanizing jerk. His personality isn't very well established to begin with, and then there was that whole thing with Hughes. Nothing ever came out of that. No exciting (and slightly scary) confrontation. He just forgets about it and moves on.
The homunculi weren't too bad, I guess.