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Takarajimasha. November 19, 2012. ISBN 978-4-8002-0357-1. ^ Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi! 2014 (in Japanese). Takarajimasha. November 20, 2013.

And if it weren’t for Biwamaru conveniently saving the day, that would have been the end of Hyakkimaru and Dororo’s adventures.
Similar to MAPPA’s previous production, Banana Fish, Dororo displays egregious actions — like rape and murder — to allow the viewer to sympathize with the characters and better understand their emotional suffering. A wise decision, only if the mistreated characters were fleshed out enough to permit the viewer to actually care about their suffering. Sure. The natural inclination for any sane human is to commiserate with the offended individual, but artistic mediums require a scrupulous approach; otherwise, the desired outcome comes off as cheap window dressing.
Speaking of cheap, Dororo’s animation was rather tacky for a modern anime. It certainly did not offend the eyes, but neither did it generate a distinguished brilliance or captivate the viewer. It, more or less, resembled the unremarkable, ordinary characters with its general lack of lively essence. If Dororo, however, maintained this garden-variety quality for the duration the series, then all would have been well; however, it got worse. Episode 15 was an abomination. Hyakkimaru’s running through the forest looked like an early 90’s Mario game.


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In the manga and 1969 anime she died before the action starts and therefore is seen only in flashbacks, but in the 2019 anime she shows up in the present and meets Hyakkimaru shortly after he regains his hearing. She sings a lot and her voice is the only thing he can tolerate until he gets used to all the new noises. She gains food and money by prostituting herself to the two armies. Dororo finds this out by following her one night. She dies protecting the other children from a raid ordered by Kagemitsu. Kagemitsu's scouts find her going in and out of the rival camp and assume she is a spy. Hyakkimaru is unable to defend them because he was a returning from killing a demon. Itachi (イタチ) Voiced by: Masaaki Okabe (1969), Setsuji Satō (2019) (Japanese); Greg Cote (2019)[6] (English) A bandit and 2nd-in-command, who betrayed Dororo's father Hibukuro and sided with the authorities. He later kidnapped Dororo to get the map to find the money hidden by Hibukuro. He was about a day behind Ojiya and Dororo, when she the first died in a red lily field. He found her shallow grave and dug it up, to get to her back tattoo. As Boruto continued to struggle free from the Sixth's hold, his fellow classmates provided enough distraction for him to escape. Later, while Wasabi treated his wounds, Boruto voiced his dismay at Kakashi's words. While Boruto apologised for being a bad influence, his friends strongly insisted that Kakashi was wrong; that Boruto has helped them all come so far despite their own personal problems. Convinced that they would still prove Kakashi wrong, the group realised the true nature of the test. Boruto then designed a plan for everyone to both save their captured team-mates and get the bell. After succeeding in the first part, the group went to face Kakashi. As Kakashi continued to disparage Boruto, the boy refused to give up, teaming up with his class-mates to attack. Kakashi easily repelled their assault, noting that they were still too scattered, but was then caught in a group-String Light Formation. As Boruto struggled against the restrain Hokage to get the bell, time finally ran out. Despite the plan failing, Kakashi passed everyone, noting that they succeeded in the true goal of the test: team-work and loyalty. Shino then revealed that everyone's headbands were in fact Konoha forehead protectors, proof of their full-fledged status.
Archived from the original on June 8, 2009. Retrieved September 13, 2023. ^ "VIZ Media . products - YuYu Hakusho, Vol. 19". Viz Media. ISBN 978-1-59116-753-2. ^ Togashi, Yoshihiro (April 1, 2014). "331". Day of Reckoning. Hunter × Hunter.