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Archived from the original on December 7, 2021. Retrieved December 9, 2021. ^ "CARTON PLEIN DANS LES SALLES FRANÇAISES POUR "ONE PIECE RED"". BFM TV (in French). August 25, 2022. Archived from the original on August 28, 2022. Retrieved August 28, 2022. ^ Piton, Quentin (December 8, 2021). "One Piece : découvrez les chiffres et records totalement fous du manga pour la sortie du Tome 100". Purebreak (in French). Webedia.

[9] Kodachi explained that the series' setting which is notable for handling more science than Naruto was influenced by his father, a physician. In order to further combine the use of ninjutsu and technology, Kodachi was inspired by sci-fi role playing games. [10] Despite Kishimoto revising the manga's scenario, he advised Ikemoto to make his own art style instead of imitating his. Ikemoto agreed and felt optimistic about his art style. While noting long-time fans might be disappointed Kishimoto is not drawing Boruto, Ikemoto stated he would do his best in making the manga. [11] While feeling honoured to create the art for Boruto, Ikemoto stated he is grateful the series is released monthly rather than weekly because producing the required amount of nearly 20 pages per chapter would be stressful; however, he still finds the monthly serialisation challenging. Regular chapters of Boruto tend to exceed 40 pages; creation of the thumbnail sketches takes a week, the pages take 20 days to produce, while the rest of the time is used for colouring images and retouching the chapters. [12] In drawing the characters, Ikemoto felt that the facial expressions of Boruto changed as the story moved on; Initially giving the protagonist large eyes for the character's interactions with Tento, Boruto's appearance was made more rebellious when he instead talked with Kawaki. [13] Despite having a lighter tone than Naruto, the series begins by hinting at a dark future. This set-up was proposed by Kishimoto to give the manga a bigger impact and to take a different approach than the one from the Boruto movie. In this scenario, Ikemoto drew an older Boruto, but he believes this design may change once the manga reaches this point.


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Archived from the original on March 29, 2012. Retrieved October 15, 2011. ^ "UPDATE: Funimation Titles Now Available on Crunchyroll (3/16)". Crunchyroll. March 1, 2022. Archived from the original on March 22, 2022. Retrieved March 21, 2022. ^ Moure, Dani (March 14, 2005). "Yu Yu Hakusho Vol. #01". Mania. com/H2yRCTemeR— Crunchyroll FR ✨ (@Crunchyroll_fr) November 3, 2023 L’épisode final de la saison 4 de L’Attaque des Titans sera diffusé pour le public japonais le samedi 4 novembre 2023, à minuit. En France, Crunchyroll a annoncé que la diffusion se ferait sur sa plateforme de streaming le 5 novembre, à 1h du matin. Une fin différente du manga ? Malgré sa popularité, le manga a fait l’objet d’une grande polémique concernant sa conclusion, aussi tragique qu’épique. Plusieurs fans ont même lancé une pétition appelant à une fin différente pour l’anime. À ce jour, rien ne dit que le studio MAPPA, en charge des dernières saisons, cèdera à la demande. Inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter pour recevoir les dernières actus esport, gaming et plus.
XL Media. Archived from the original on July 11, 2016. Retrieved June 8, 2016. ^ "China ceases publication of No Game No Life" (in Japanese). Niconico. August 16, 2013.