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The art style of Dark Wraith of Shannara, Del Rey's first foray into comic publishing, was meant to emulate manga, but had Western-style panel layout. The OEL adaptation of Sherrilyn Kenyon's The Dark Hunters was written by an American, drawn and lettered by Americans, reads and looks like a typical American indie comic, but is formatted in a right-to-left page format like a manga. The Dreaming is a comic that is drawn in manga-style by a Chinese-Australian author named Queenie Chan. It's even published by TokyoPop, and is considered one of the first non-Japanese manga series that they published. Dork Diaries looks rather animesque, but it's more to give the idea of a girl who is an artist doodling in her diary, and her drawings are actually quite detailed. Batman: Gotham Knight Batman Death Mask Batman Child Of Dreams Batman: Black and White: "The Third Mask".She's a great actress, and was an interesting character in the beginning, with her sociopath social media savvy persona, but she soon became annoyingly obsessive and childishly whiny. I wanted to root for her being a young empowered and clever female lead character, but instead, she felt needy, self-involved, and just too hard to like at times. most times. The forced love story definitely didn't help me like her character.