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[2] An anime television series adaptation produced by Telecom Animation Film aired from April to June 2021. A second season produced by OLM aired from January to March 2023. Plot[edit] Naoto Hachiouji, an introverted second-year student at Kazehaya High School, prefers to avoid social interactions and draw manga in his spare time. However, first-year girl Hayase Nagatoro - who is secretly head-over-heels in love with him - inadvertently discovers the manga, calls him "Senpai", and teases him to the point of crying. She frequents the Art Club room where he hangs out, and continues to bully him for his timid personality and otaku interests, sometimes in a sexually suggestive fashion, calling him lewd. Initially, Senpai really
does not like Nagatoro at all, and desperately tries to stay as far away from her and her antics as he possibly can. But as she continues to push him to become more assertive, he slowly realizes he is also falling in love with her, and gradually comes out of his shell and involves himself in her life. Senpai meets Nagatoro's friends, Gamo, Yosshii and Sakura, who at first appear to be cruel and shallow high school girls who only seek to torment Senpai, but they catch on to Senpai and Nagatoro's oblivious mutual crush and they become supportive friends who scheme to bring the two closer together. The Art Club's semi-retired president Sana Sunomiya appears and tries to shut down the club, but after a contest challenge during the
culture festival, allows it to continue. During the next school year, the president's younger cousin Hana Sunomiya enrolls in the high school and
joins the Art Club, whereas Nagatoro joins the Judo Club. Hana understands what is happening between Senpai and Nagatoro, and makes her mission to help them.
Archived from the original on March 2, 2008.
Retrieved June 15, 2008. ^ Powers, John (April 28, 2008). "Killer Penmanship in 'Death Note'". NPR. Archived from the original on May 26, 2008. Retrieved June 15, 2008. ^ "51. Death Note". IGN.
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