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Anime News Network. Archived from the original on June 14, 2021. Retrieved February 10, 2021. ^ Davis, Rebecca (February 11, 2021). "Bilibili Faces Brands Boycott Sparked by Accusations of Misogyny Ahead of Hong Kong Share Listing". Variety.

MenuExpandFilmSuzume is everything that’s beautiful and moving about Makoto Shinkai’s imaginationMakoto Shinkai’s Suzume is his most exuberant movie yet and a powerful rumination on holding space for the past. By Charles Pulliam-Moore, a reporter focusing on film, TV, and pop culture. Before The Verge, he wrote about comic books, labor, race, and more at io9 and Gizmodo for almost five years. Apr 13, 2023, 3:30 PM UTCShare this story Image: CrunchyrollPart of /The best entertainment of 2023Each of director Makoto Shinkai’s animated films has told powerful, moving stories about people trying to connect with one another both because and in spite of larger-than-life forces in the world that could easily tear them apart. Suzume, Shinkai’s newest feature produced by CoMix Wave Films and distributed internationally by Crunchyroll, is no exception. But unlike some of Shinkai’s other recent critically acclaimed projects like Your Name and Weathering With You, there’s a striking directness to the metaphors at work in Suzume that gives it an unexpectedly potent punch. More road trip movie than the kind of romances Shinkai’s known for, Suzume tells the tale of how high schooler Suzume Iwato (Nanoka Hara originally, Nichole Sakura in Crunchyroll’s English dub) discovers the secret, mystical causes behind the earthquakes that plague Japan and becomes wrapped up in an epic race to save her country from an impending tectonic cataclysm. As both a local and an orphan who seemingly lost her mother in a natural disaster, Suzume’s intimately familiar with the immediate devastation that earthquakes can cause and how they can be felt metaphorically reverberating through people’s lives long after the ground stops shaking. But as much time as Suzume spends thinking and dreaming about her past, most of the adults in her life — like her loving, slightly overbearing aunt Tamaki (Eri Fukatsu, Jennifer Sun Bell) — have to keep their eyes focused on the future because it’s integral to their idea of productivity and happiness. Most of Suzume’s peers simply don’t have or want to make the time to think about how landslides have led to massive portions of their town being made unlivable and left to crumble into ruins that people don’t really think about because they’re out of sight. But when Suzume crosses paths with a mysterious and devastatingly handsome out-of-towner named Sōta (Hokuto Matsumura, Josh Keaton) who asks her specifically about a nearby abandoned building, she can’t help but be intrigued and curious about what he’s up to.


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A show that strong-armed me into using a buzzword that I promised myself I would use only as a final ultimatum. And in a way, I guess that could be seen as an achievement. So congratulations Re:Zero, a show where only the cheapest blow every self-respecting critic dare not to resort to, could be the only appropriate response left available. But in this case, it's worth it. No other shows I've seen in recent years deserve the rare honor more than this. Take the mantle Re:Zero. You’ve officially become the most conceited MMORPG-inspired anime to date.
Re:Zero is spray-on tan psychology with peel-off sticker-tattoo themes. It's the kid on internet forums who are constantly saying "90's Baby," with a 1999 birth certificate. Its out-of-touch executives googling anime-related search results in an attempt to assure their product is "totally dope. ” It's an anime that's rallied in on a stage sponsored by corporate suits, with "best waifu" pillows and other merchandise already pre-made upon launch date. ). In a figurative sense, the pronominal reflexive of se voir can also mean "to find oneself" or " to be in the position of. " An example of this may be, "Je me vois obligé de partir. " (I find myself obliged to leave. ) When speaking about someone else, you might use it in a sentence such as, "Il s'est vu contraint d'en parler. " (He found himself forced to talk about it. ). Another type of pronominal verb is reciprocal. When used with se voir, it takes on the meaning of "to see each other. " For example, you might say, "Nous nous voyons tous les jours. " (We see each other every day.
As they pilot the drone outside the school, they find much of the city in ruins, much to the group's dismay. Jun-seong, Mi-jin, Min-jae, and Ha-ri make their way to the school clinic, only to also discover that all internet connections have been cut. Jae-ik and Ho-chul take refuge in Cheong-san's family restaurant and rescue Hee-su's baby. So-ju and his group safely arrive at an encampment, but the military forbids him from leaving to rescue On-jo. Meanwhile, Gwi-nam, having survived the bites and strangely retained his consciousness, vows revenge on Cheong-san. 6"Episode 6"January 28, 2022 (2022-01-28) The students broadcast music throughout the school to distract the zombies while they meet up with Cheong-san.